
The transcription is terrible. I just tried it out, speaking pretty clearly I thought, and it came up with this:

I was struggling to figure out what this is useful for, but I came up with a great one:

Attention all:

@TomXP411: Dual ports that overlap in function? Does that sound like Apple to you?

@Gizfrodo: And Apple can't move away from the dock connector because of the gajiliion accesories out there that would be useless without it.

How big is it?

@musiqrulez: Whenever life hands you a Jeffrey.

Ugh, I don't know how long ago it was, because I haven't clicked through to Treehugger in a while, but their site redesign is f-ing heinous. Really visually offensive. I hope it's at least carbon neutral.

@seanklowe: I would say that the Apple store should be your last option of those listed. It will be a shit show.

@OGHowie: How much are they buying them for?

Ouch. Given that iPhone 4 pre-orders start tomorrow, I would bet this is not the news HTC would like getting out right now.

This is going to make my bar tab for the USA game on saturday seem miniscule in comparison.

We wouldn't have Toy Story.

Sorry Omar, I don't give a crap who runs the ads that I'm ignoring anyway.

This lens is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love fig newtons.

@Digital: It was actually 'duh' to Brian Barrett.

@Piemonkey: Maybe you've never used "Duh" before. It was common in the late 1990s to early 2000s, but has fallen out of favor in recent years. It means, "What you are saying is obvious."