
But haven't you all seen the Kardashian indoor tanning commercials? "Everyone looks better tanned" - Khloe Kardashian

I grew up in the 70's and 80's in LA, by the beach. My pale, Scandinavian skin was an affront to my mother and her olive toned skin and I was required to lay out and tan for an hour a day in the summer on top of all the weekends we spent at the river house. It's sheer goddam luck that I haven't turned up with any skin

Before tanning excessively people need to think which is more important, your appearance or your life. ( ooh that was dramatic!)

While I love to go to the beach, I slather on the sunscreen. Yeah, it's partly vanity. But early in my reporting days, I did a couple of stories related to tanning that kept me out of tanning salons for life. One was a plastic surgeon who told me about how tanning messes up your complexion and that tanning salons are

Is this something we seriously need to be told in 2014?


You seem cool!

Bah. Is he a surgeon or is he a general? If he can't make up his mind on that simple question, why I should I trust him on the subject of sun exposure?

No one has to tan to have a healthy looking complexion.

That was me every time I got my Depo shot.

I had to get an X-ray on Monday and the nurse made me pee in a cup. He came back and was like "good news you're not pregnant!" I was like dude I haven't gotten laid in a year I could've told You that. He said and I quote "aww."

Hey wait a minute. That's just like my spreadsheet! What are the odds?

here's my sex spreadsheet

Seems to me like these people need to spend less time making spreadsheets and more time spreading on the sheets, amirite?

Agree with most of what you said except it needs to be pointed out that length of time will not necessarily prevent loose skin. In another article it says she lost 170lbs in 4 years which amounts to less than a pound a week. I think it is important to point out the reality that with weight loss often comes loose skin,

I'm a different asshole.

I won't argue that her stomach looks attractive, but I think it's disingenuous to praise people's dramatic weight loss while hiding what a body that's lost that amount of weight actually looks like.

Who cares? The people who make money off her story, that's who cares. Don't like it? Start your own magazine.

Oh, FFS. She looks like she has an alien egg sac on her in that picture. Quit being such a princess and put a damn shirt on.

I think she thinks the pram is sleigh, and she's whipping Donder and Blizen.