no one’s consenting to be groped because they entered a beauty pageant. are you male?
no one’s consenting to be groped because they entered a beauty pageant. are you male?
except for the practically ubiquitous anti-female sentiment its a cool site. it’s turned me off of guys more than a few times. I want to punch them in the face, especially the 15 yr olds.
some women are self suppressive and Idk like if you think it’s up to women get groped as a part life, like just mind your own business. just replace the female image with a male image in your mind, so you walk around like a little sexist backstabber. I had a friend that wasn’t worried about her daughter getting…
pretty drab description, it sounds like a niche clothing convention. if that’s what it is, what it is. or is it kind of cool. you didn’t spend enough time on this. I think you need to go in the 500 words twice a day time out box.
we don’t have to chide women for hating men, because they’re not on the radio and in books, and populating websites. I’ve seen well crafted youtube cartoons, that takes time. sometimes pure misogyny, but mostly how to fuck us while hating us. there’s that the Google guy, he’s the basic level. the starter pack.
I think Yi is making a funny. I want to see her comedy now.
the men are afraid of mortality and women have to deal with their garbage, because their ego’s are so fucking big, they cant handle negitive emotions. And Hollywood is the worst offenders of male shitty narcissism. and then, I don’t like masturbatory art. like do something good for your medium and gtfo. don’t sit…
the way he carries himself is what makes him creepy. i mean, another person in that body could just be a fat dad.
conservatives have to resort to “false choice” to convince people to legislate homophobic. they did it with prop 8, in California. “if you vote no on gay marriage, children will be taught about gay couples in school.” my friend actually told me this self-righteous apologia of why hes voting to ban gay marriage. is…
I would want my daughter to get the outdoor boy scout experience. but I wouldn’t trust males in that leadership role without conflict. theyre going to do something stupid and the kids are going to be messed up because of it.
I hate men, I came to terms with it. it bothers me when they comment, because they’re evil narcissists and everything is supposed to serve their ego. when you try to use feminism to explain things to be fair to people who are partial incels anyway, it takes an hour and has no meaning. until you say “men…
yeah it’s a fucking stick in my craw, 60% of men 60% of white women. you never know which one you’re talking to. I just covertly say offensive shit until they out themselves. my neighbor is one, at least he feels bad, but it’s still a judgement of his character. like, really the pussy grabing thing didn’t get you?
so they didn’t ask the school what they needed. they just assumed to know or maybe what would look good, it doesn’t seem very well thought out. I think teachers from wealthy school give a shit. they wouldn’t try to use the platform to bring attention to problems. they didn’t get paid enough to ask questions.
if anyone knows anything, it’s that Marilyn Monroe’s corpse is no where near her grave stone. Is his real body going to be buried next to her grave stone? I’ll say, the story here, is about a desperate man barking up the wrong tree.
Game designers typically suck as humans. Accept for Gary. The rest of them are asswipes and should all have their dicks blown up. I used to know game designers and that little ounce of sex even if it’s a net negitive for women, the perception that it could add player to the game is enough for them to throw us under…
Notice how republicans put women or black people in for positions to disenfranchise our own groups.
Men are fucked up on sex hormones all the time, and they mindlessly instigate situations to own women like property. A lot of men have a projections of women that serves them and their needs cast over real women. So sometimes trans have a hard time transitioning to female because they only know the version of…
Appropriate activities include walking around holding a mini carrots as a metrophor for obviously... sexual assault on the president.
There are so many variables.