
if you’re publishing observations from women. The publishers’ specific ideology doesnt change the nessicity that existed before and after and without her.

I don’t think its a question, but an obvious necessity that women have control over when we get pregnant. And I just learned about Sanger right now. So it’s false that you cant in uncouple them. I also wouldn’t attack a movement the same way as a religion. (She’s not Joseph Smith.) Maybe if youre coming from a

I haven’t seen a statement from the white house reacting to Putin decriminalizing violence against women. I actually want a response from every republican polititician thats in support of reducing sanctions against Russia. You know, treatment of women used to be an important talking point of islamiphobia. Now they

The laws are only useful protections, when people are there to stand behind them. So he calls them “opinions”. To single him out and make others afraid to challenge him in the future. We’re not afraid, you son of a bitch.

He apparently talks to the kkk with a dog whistle. So I’m certain this is a nod.

He looks like he owns things made with human skin

You don’t sound like you meet a lot of protesters.

Yeah, you don’t get to call yourself a feminist and stand for patriarchal ideologies that control women through sexual persecution. So there.

I saw this on digg and I feel like I need to use a different news aggregator. Thanks for summarizing what I figured to be true. I didnt read it, it just look shoddy. Digg should have more women on their staff. They’re so stupid about their picks.

Their generation of is so fucked.

I also want to add an observation about teaching kids about the value of having only reproductive sex v.s. having non-reproductive sex (Aka The reason the church/Marshall is against birth control, for abstinence only, against planned parenthood). In both types of sex the man still gets off. But in one of them; the

Well I believe these things arise from an unhealthy relationship with sex. You say it’s learned from porn, but I feel it’s learned from parents and teachers pastors instilling a fear of non-procreative sex and teaching kids the only right way is a patriarchal way of sex. Man on top and female sexual servitude. I think

I’m disappointed in how you framed this. By keeping some facts while omitting others you gave the perception that officially stigmatizing porn is somehow good for women. Except that in places that have done so are very backwards for women.

This is not protecting women. Christians are ignorant about sex and they like to target socially vulnerable things or people. Remember, last week it was gay marriage. If you can be outraged, but can’t answer “what” or “why” you feel that way, than maybe going to church should be considered a public health hazard.