
People vastly underestimate the amount of skill required to conduct a good interview, let alone to conduct a good interview on camera. It takes an enormous amount of preparation and the ability to think on your feet—neither of which are traits that spring to mind immediately when someone mentions the Kardashians. I

Maybe people are growing tired of the Kardashians?

This is the stupidest argument. Gangsters don’t care if you protest what they do. You don’t protest criminal behavior because criminals don’t give a shit what you think of them. The police, however, are hired by the government and paid out of taxpayers’ money to serve and protect the people, so when they fuck up, yes,

Yeah, he did support welfare reform that hurt black people. He defended that in this rant as well. He’s a mess.

I don’t know how you would characterize these gang leaders who’ve got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and send them out onto the streets to murder other African American children

“The Black vote”.

Bill apologized for it until he defended it today so that “apology” is meaningless.

Thanks for writing this article. Most of the commenters on Jezebel are being really obtuse about this. If Bill Clinton had spoke as condescendingly to female activists speaking on abortion, they would up in arms accusing him of being patronizing, mansplaining, etc.. The way so many white Jezebel commenters have

no actually Black poverty and employment went to the lowest levels ever under his watch.

Look, I’m just going to say this: if Hillary could control Bill, I think the history of our mid- to late-’90s would be very different.

Why don’t people bring up white on white crime when an immigrant kills a white person? The vast majority of white murder victims were killed by white people after all.

This should be a stark reminder that Hillary and her husband are just gussied up neo-liberals who will drop minority rights and justice like a hot potato once they get into office. Tell me again why you “have to” vote for Hillary? Preferably something that doesn’t involve “she’s not [slightly more right-wing

I am white and from rural Canada. Therefor I have absolutely no idea what it feels like to be a person of colour. I don’t have “many friends who are black” and wouldn’t dream of trying to say that I get it or that I can speak for them. I don’t understand why more politicians can’t just admit that and move on to trying


Jon Snow is dead. Yeah, we all know he won’t stay that way. I’m honing in on the other piece of info - Cersei sees her daughter again. They don’t mention that her daughter is dead. They’re throwing the whole episode description, making the Jon Snow part sound dire and the Cersei’s daughter part seem like a nice

HBO: Jon 👏 Snow 👏 is 👏 dead 👏

Jon Snow is dead. JON STARK LIVES.

Okay, HBO. He’s given a new name when Melisandre reanimates his body, got it.

This guy is so unoffensive and moderate, he would normally be a gift nominee from any Democratic president to the Republicans. Obama gave them a nominee that makes the Republicans look even more unreasonable than usual to refuse. Judging from my “moderate” and “independent" family members and coworkers, it is pissing

Fine. It’s close enough to atheism for me.