
“But this lovely family has cared for her for her whole life and is just fighting to keep their CHILD!”

Ding ding motherfucking ding. This girl could have had a safe, happy, short experience in the foster system and be that much further toward feeling secure with her relatives if they hadn’t fought her reunification every step of the way. Part of being a parent - foster or otherwise - is putting your kids’ needs ahead

I feel like their decision to release her name is telling.

Her father always had parental rights; she was never their child. She was never adoptable.

No, they haven’t. She’s been with them four years, and they were told at the outset (and repeatedly thereafter) that she was not adoptable and that family reunification was the goal of her case. As responsible fosters they should have put her interests before their own by trying to facilitate that reunification in a

That’s how the facebook statement reads to me too, as though she is property and they are exploiting the imagery of a crying little girl to get what they feel is theirs back. She belongs with her father’s relatives and they should not have obstructed that process.

It really sucks that the custody exchange was such a circus, and Lexi was exposed to the foster family crying and screaming, and random strangers showing up needlessly to add to the din. A 6-year-old can’t possibly process all that in a healthy way — it must have seemed intensely frightening and confusing. I’m

Child sacrifice was an Aztec thing. Incas had roads. Complex communication via nots. And virgin priestesses. ALL SOUTH AMERICA IS NOT MEXICO.

Yet again illustrating how anyone who uses the phrase “paid by with your tax dollars” sounds like an asshole.

Right?! It has to be right up there with “there will be chocolate and kittens” in terms of the best sentences to hear. This movie has so much potential to be awesome!

GUGU! MBATHA! RAW!!!!! AHHHHHHH!! I love her! Also, this book has been on my “to-read” list for a while and I’ve never gotten around to it, should I move it up the list?

They had to get this one right because everybody knows almost doesn’t count.

I feel like a lot of (white) people don’t understand the importance of Brandy. Bless the folks at Saint Heron who just recently did a profile about her and her influence on the RnB. And how she was really one of the first artists to pioneer that electronic/ sci fi RnB sound (full moon) that white artists now take

When Kenya was saying that her credentials are better than Kim’s. Oh lawd.

But you see, it’s not valid until a White person says it FOR Black and Brown people.

Take Mary Jane off the Schedule I list and watch crime fall like leaves in October.

“People that vote. Like people leaving voting booths and all, I’m doing very well with them.”

I don’t know how anyone can get through the moronic gibberish that stands in for his “responses” to questions (or frankly just be in the same space as him). I am pretty sure I would be like this the whole time:

It was Barackward, if I do say so myself.