Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."
Republican party to Trump: “please remove your gaping maw from our dog whistle. You’re getting spittle on it."
At this point I think they’d be grateful to cram it back into subtext instead of Trump continuing to make it an overt, blaring, neon billboard in twelve-foot-high letters.
This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.
“...unflinching support for LGBT rights...”
She really did fuck up with what she said, but it is a good apology and she isn’t trying to excuse it with any bullshit like , “Well I just got my words jumbled.”
I *knew* there was something between me and the guy using the self service checkout next to me just now.
There’s nothing worse than church lady indecency guidelines. I know one and she’s millennial age but very much a bible reading, church going type. “I love my gay brother, just don’t agree with his life style.” (I asked, so you want to deny him marriage rights, tax rights, anti discrimination... Etc? Short answer,…
Think of all the ad revenue we’ll lose if women realize they don’t have to buy diet products to be sexy!
Man, what the hell? It’s a gorgeous commercial that kinda accurately reflects the way people look? Cancel!
There’s a reason I’m not a writer or great thinker. I don’t consider all angles. What an incredibly powerful post and I am thankful you responded.
Hi there,
The problem here is coded language. As a Jewish person who has routinely been propositioned by proselytizing missionaries, it’s still pretty screwed up to imply that you’re only a “good [insert person of another faith here] in my” if you meet a pretty limited rubric — and unfortunately in this case, as well…
“The only good Muslims in this story are the ones coddling annoying people who are trying to bother people into changing their religion.” There you go.
other take
Oh come on, she’s nowhere near being a household name the way Melissa McCarthy became after Bridesmaids.
Every day something on the Internet makes me cry. I actually want to start a blog where I post what made me cry and how far into the day I got without crying. This story beat yesterday’s Holocaust survivor story by 21 minutes.
I am a cyclist, and that is my worst nightmare. On behalf of all of us, thank your friend's mom.
Something like this just happened to a friend’s mom last night - she saw a cyclist laying in the road, he’d been hit by a car (hit & run), his legs were shattered, and he told her that he’d been lying there for quite some time while cars just drove by. She called an ambulance for him and waited with him.
::pours vodka in orange, coffee and cereal:: Hello, Thursday, we meet again. ::packs bottle in bag for “lunch”::