
That's what ignorant and racist people do, try to take the spotlight off the CLEAR PICTURE...

The same goes for women who do in fact mate with black men put are shocked when their child does not pass the brown paper bag test. They dress and treat them differently than their lighter complected children. See it all the time in WV

I know racist black men who have been with racist white women or those of other racist outside of being black and I always wonder how that works.

As someone else stated, both parents also need some classes on race and culture, etc. I hate that people are still judgmental when it comes to race especially in this case when the woman BIRTHED, the now two-year-old. This baby seems to play a huge part in getting the two women see who they really are as individuals

Right. Her personal racist thoughts are coming to light. She found a lawyer smart enough to re-write her thoughts in what he or she thought would seem less racist. They failed at doing so because those of us who have a brain and have been surrounded by others individuals whose ethnicity and backgrounds are different

I live in backward ass Charleston, WV. I am a black woman and I hardly experience outright racism for one and secondly, I live in close proximity to about 4-5 homosexual and lesbian couples. This just on my street alone. It's not hard and I don't believe it would be should they live in a slightly larger city.

Yup, racist as they come. I just hope that this baby is never abused mentally nor sexually. My daughter would be considered black however when she was born she was lily white. I mean the nurses would stare at me and then look at her in disbelief because they couldn't understand how to light skinned black people had

You are fantastic. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have a white boyfriend as I myself am of a bi-racial background and he absolutely adores his racist ass grandfather. Thank you for being strong enough to cut the insecure, ignorant, mess out of your life.

** shedding

Exactly. She herself stated that she didnt know or had even laid eyes on a black person until college and even there it seems thatvshe made no attempt to learn anything about us. Not even a little because if she did, she may not have returned to her racist surroundings. She herself is racist and doesnt realize this is

I agree.

You get all the stars and hugs.