Loke Miller

Solo was neat!

i need no more confirmation. we nuke the ISS.

SQUID PEOPLE? How are we not bombing the seas right now?


we got there because we didnt listen... WE DIDNT LISTEN!

ey, if TV has teached us ANYTHING, it’s that gingers have no soul.

im glad our family’s history is not the only one with a grim connection to hamsters...


all i can think of now is the names of your pokèsquad.
screenshot, pleeeeease!

meh, easy to forget that USA only cares about USA.
still nothing in Norway.
should maybe change article to reflect regional lockouts.


how DARE you let your young one get a good nights rest!

now, i’m ofc not familiar with the engine they are using but at least in Unreal Engine 4, syncing text with audio triggers, not that hard.

i havent seen Apocalypse yet but it cant possibly be blander than Ant-Man.

“picking up a box was a chore.”

i dont know, it got me giggling everytime at least. i had that demo as a kid too and while i thought even back then it was utter crap i somehow loved the interactive world!
Remake in VR. Done.
do i get internet money now?

we humans are the absolutely best at keeping busy with anything.

username checks out, these are mortal enemies.

again, Lord Jason writes the truth.
Had only more journalists been like you we would have not had as many powderkegs around!

playing online usually doesnt take much data honestly. its just the patching that is something.
honestly, here in norway, 4g works for gaming. lagwise at least.

“no im busy this year, gonna get myself windows 8!)