Loke Miller

2 years? not enough. there are alot of games releases and we all have a major backlog to complete.
major plotpoints should NEVER be revealed in title or ingress.
Also, i just started this so THANKS A FUCKING MILLION FOR RUINING IT! shitty fucking author

careful with placing words in peoples mouths. saying they essentialy said that feels wrong if the lore of the game has made it clear it was a no-go place all the time.
gotta give the developers some credit for creating something other than an invisible wall TBH.

i mean, actually, this is kinda cool if they roll with

on *buntu and mac we use wine for that! only way i can enjoy dungeon keeper 2 without random crashes in win 10

i love it when the runner does good narration explaining the trick though!

dry lube eh? maybe next saturday i’ll break open a box of graphite before heading in the rear entry..

you must have missed the movies

in this case, you have an obvious case for bughunting. Wich means you know where to look, since it’s the AI thats fragged.
you don’t go looking in the animation place, nor the shader compiler, not even do you take a gander at anything else but ai code!
this is very much a case of neglect i think.

consent and a safe-word

then how have you survived until now seeing as doomclones (FPS games) are still being released?

Meh, i don’t reeeeally give a fuck but i’ll admit it is a bit tiresome to read these asinine comments everywhere i turn my damn head :|

it was more limiting on the great web before. Now everything is different and companies have the possibilites to host their game themselves. Before they had to use the services of the console, now, every Tom, Dick and Harry has a server with a database.

hell, i could make a game right here on my own pc, deploy it to

your situation will almost never reflect that of a larger group.
STFU and let us have X-play

legit stop raggin’ on the Ouya! i have one and am biased!
It’s great! Well.. good.. OK, it works at least! Barely...
* Sigh *

I thought it said Norman Fedus at first and cannot unsee now

every objection people have with the shopping carts will whisk away at the first sight of someone scooting along in a shopping cart.

more so if you catch 1 pushing the other infront of a sunset all E.T. like.

and commenter is right as rain, if fun > optimized. then fun we choose!

Tørbjørn main here too, can confirm. highlighting me dancing in the spawnroom is clearly working correctly.

tell them to hurry up on the Voyager DLC, wanna oogle me some Seven of Nine..

Fork knife: Save the Spoon

i’m slightly confused by this comment

gaming news summed up:
Today, game changed, people are angry!
tomorrow, game did NOT change, people are angry!
