sadly you will never find a time-machine as you would already have traveled back to lend it to you. i think?
or maybe you have traveled back and you are making this comment to hide the fact.
sadly you will never find a time-machine as you would already have traveled back to lend it to you. i think?
or maybe you have traveled back and you are making this comment to hide the fact.
honestly tough, why are you not boycotting internet?
Serious question, please don’t freak out and trigger. Just seems like that would be the better choice. instead go online and talk about the things you will boycott?
AFAIK the protagonist never speaks.
Finally!!!! False God!!!
now this is a serious question because i too think that many streamers are not so like-able; What do you want in/from a stream? what elements makes a stream good?
Must the streamer be extremely good in the games he play? what kind of commentary should the streamer focus on? Is music important? Chat interaction?…
this is were rules come in to play. what we define as drugs or not. i would assume since he probably lives in a state where its legal recreationally, this just like like the boobiestreamers drinking on stream.
doublechecked the community guidelines and yes, it specifically states illegal drugs. so if you are somewhere…
why hit a guy when he’s down and has 3 others on top of him? then the others actually join in?
Then the crowd joins in. But they do the same, beat when they are down and outnumbered. Evil begets evil, is that not the saying?
so much violence from what was probably a lost bet one drunken night with a good friend.
well, that takes care of any% at least if you can go to finish directly from start! Luckily there are tons of categories to take part in!
extensive glitches can be fun to watch if the commentary is good but i have to admit, i do like more showing off the game and technical mastery then pure speed! Well, at least in…
To be fair my ugandan brudda, frak... i mean that filthy knuckles guy was quick to shut up! you know why? Cuz he knows da wai.
also they are the developers of a game engine that’s being licsenced out to others!
AFAIK the pve part has always been planned to be free to play and those spending money are early acess people. while they probably have devoted a little more people to the BR part now i’m pretty sure they are doing something to capitalize on their recent sucess!
To be fair, some rumours say they pulled people from the…
that doesn’t mean everyone downloads every free game!
not saying that it doesn’t help that is is free but you catch my drift i hope :D
I think you misunderstood what level streaming is. it’s not added yet and it’s to increase performance in matches! Instead of loading the whole level they have cut it up and you only stream what you can see. Ala horizon dawn i guess but probably simpler
every region usually has one or more storylines going on, one or 2 may be a follow-up from a previous region. this would encourage you to experience the story in the region you prefer.
is what i get from this at least. I have to wait until wednesday to try myself (Norwegian)
i watched those movies when i’m a little kid! (85 model speaking)
i don’t think EVERY british person is evil. most probably.. (i’m keeping my eyes and ears open!)
I mean, Benumbumr Candersnart is one of my favourites!
Barathrum Bandersnatch? Man who names their kid like this...
aaaargh, and you only recorded 6 minutes of it? I’m sold. this looks like a great experience!
also, bonus points for fingerbanging
the initial deal was 3 games AFAIK.
i never tought about that :O makes scary sense. real scary.
“heya! somethings wrong with my switch! it just stopped working.. If i did anything to it? no of course not! There doesn’t exist Atomic Purple Switches? You sure about that?”
i have no idea really. a friend of mine who is a chef just did it at my place someday and i never turned back! from the looks of it, the flour keeps the fat and whatnot instead of turning all to sauce you throw away.
I have no sensible answer but this one: Try it! it’s yummyyumyum