you might want to try super princess peach ;)
you might want to try super princess peach ;)
but peach isn’t “at home cookin’”
she’s the ruler of a kingdom and a prime target for any villain.......................
and i would rather rescue a cute girl than a bearded old king, because girls are cute, not because they “should be cookin”
really? are we really taking this further? stop, it’s embarassing. It’s never been about making a statement about peach’s weakness as a girl...
it’s the knight in shining armor with a twist.
also, if you ever get taken hostage, you better not make a big fight or else you might just not celebrate another birthday.
i dont like people who put labels on people. i dont like you. have a good day!
also, you should maybe spend some time with your brother outside instead of arguing on the internet. think you both would benefit!
Samurai Champloo! what a great anime!
what a weird list :S didnt like this one
didnt someone on kotaku write about this? ok so you obviously got the power. please let passion projects finish before you announce them :(
wowowo, calm down. just responded to you saying anthing school related. just an example, can NOT be a highscooldrama..
there’s _always_ an excuse. :P
The Harry Potter movies would like to voice in for a moment here
awesome! more mecha stuff please!!
Sir, you have a valid point! the overall vibe has been a little negative this year. Now let’s just blindly assume most of the people got it out of their system now and are ready and happy for 2017! :D
:D :D
wow.. just.... wow. reading how you just can not back down... :O
No! They are frakking flying away togheter in the sunset, the boy telling his furry friend; It’s a magical world my friend. Let’s go exploring!
then i read the last of the article. YAY! i also was worried they kill one of them :S
we are soon running out of things to write on the internet.
Crash is NOT a clone of Mario. Not more so than calling every platformer-game a Mario-clone.
Straight facts are: Sony wanted a mascot, like nintendo and sega had.
if you compare Mario, Sonic and Crash you will easily see wich one is the most different one :D they had no interest in copying the same exact gameplay that…
yeah, but he is STILL right. Majority does not care _that_ much.
thank you! Had this on my radar, was going to hold off a year or so more for further development but here we are :D
downloaded for every OS. Not mad at Zenimax but what a shame it had to go :(
Just tell me this is coming to PC. please tell meeeeee. whisper it gently into my ears... i want FF....
perfect reply.