maybe Ben is made of 1000 shades of awesome?
and yes, More Ben please!
maybe Ben is made of 1000 shades of awesome?
and yes, More Ben please!
oh god, Bowser in High Heels.... No no no no no.
My mind drew a picture of it.
nooooo, our battles will never be the same, i can never stop laughing now..
For some people i think the term mature means “Rated R”.....
in this respect, i don’t want someone to WRITE to me that i am a faggot and that i will be raped...
some people just want to see the world burn sadly :(
i guess the word cinematic is being thrown alot around by developers as an easy way to explain that they are going for graphical fidelity before performance.
step back and look at this whole discussion over... over the use of the abbreviation SJW.
what even.
Internet = Butthurt
if you find a shitty game, invite a friend over and have a laugh togheter!
easy fix.
(i’m looking at you historical agricultural simulator 2015)
oh, so you think i’m kidding? no sir, i wish…
It seems things are loosening up over @ microHQ what with cross-play and all.
If the right people starts shouting a little
yeah, think something’s missing.. try instead
what a stupid article.
tough the purpose of it might have pleased mister Clarkson.
GT obviously is hidden for Gin & Tonic. They want to tell the world they are alcoholics.
well, in that sense.. I’ve heard alot more of many of these games already mentioned, (especially wild, soulblazer and musashi)
tough this lost odyssey has intrigued me. I’ve never played it :(
it was a xbox360 exclusive?
can someone please make a 360 emulator?
i didnt know about this! and i love emulation and C&C
no, YOU are a liability since you get worked up and\or agitated by lanesplitting.
you are this guy in the article.
now boys, stop bickering, at high speeds, in heavy machinery, where there’s people.
stupid comment xD
you can’t download emulators from within kodi, you have to configure them separatly.
i was just going to ask Thorin here.. Why no love for Retropie? you can even install raspbian desktop and\or kodi into it also.
you can AAAAAAAALSO, and this is pretty swood (as the cool kids say)
install mopidy and\or shairport to the retropie install!
shairport is cool in that you can airplay from ur fancy iDevices.
in all fairness. ubuntu is a pretty nice OS. or, this debian stuff.
Put a 256 gb ssd in a scrappy laptop and now it just flies.
batterylife seems improved with same kind of use.
i can make it look almost exactly like mac, or windows.
or android for that matter..
and in between, some pretty good games are ported over to…
this is the main issue with VR now, it’s just filled with short cheap experiences. (many are fun distractions, dont get me wrong)
there needs to be a GOOD game with a good budget behind it.
oh jeez, not you. why should nintendo incriminate themself with a letter to creators.
you gotta take a chill pill. calm down please