Yeah, this is exactly it. She’s the ONLY person in the top ten Twitch streamers who is a woman. Period. This JiDion dipshit could have gone after ANYONE ELSE, Ninja included, but he chose her, most likely because of her gender.
Yeah, this is exactly it. She’s the ONLY person in the top ten Twitch streamers who is a woman. Period. This JiDion dipshit could have gone after ANYONE ELSE, Ninja included, but he chose her, most likely because of her gender.
She is getting hate because she’s the woman in this situation. Sad but true state of affairs for gaming communities and entertainment in general.
‘NFTs are just beanie babies for people who get mad whenever there are black people in Star Wars movies’.
Wait actual question though, why in the world would anybody named Indiana Black choose to go by ‘Froskurinn’ when she could instead go by ‘Indiana Black’?
You’re kidding, right? Like, you forgot to put the /s at the end of your post to show you were being sarcastic, or something?
It runs in a mobile browser. I played it on a phone just now.
The real Wordle is entirely playable on mobile through the browser. It works great. What are you talking about?
You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.
You alt-right crybabies sure post a lot more during the holiday breaks.
Saying that he posted “some stuff Kotaku writers don’t agree with” suggests that what he posted was inconsequential matters of opinion and not bigoted shit that is wholly inappopriate regardless of context.
Unless, of course, you agree with what he posted. You claim not to, but your concern trolling post” post implies…
First, obviously, it has to do with how such a toxic culture was formed inside Blizzard in the first place... which should be pretty obvious given the current state of affairs inside the company, some of it’s top executives, and how they are reacting to it. It’s not something that happened overnight, it’s something…
seriously this website is a disgrace.
Definitely trust the intentions of a person that frames the repeated use of blatantly hateful language as “something Kotaku disagrees with”
It sure is weird how often one side conflates racism/misogyny/homophobia/asshole with “politics”. Truly inexplainable...
Commenting about whether the government budget should be spent on defense or domestic programs is a political discussion. When someone makes a bunch of bigoted and misogynist comments, they aren’t being political, they are just an asshole and deserve to be outed for it.
He doesn’t even work for them, and hasn’t for years.
lmao, I absolutely love the paper-thin veil you fart-sniffing morons attempt to hide behind on here. Go munch orange shitake, you tool.
Stop reading Kotaku articles if they infuriate you so much.
Did you seriously not read the part where he said that stuff while he was working at Blizzard? It’s not hard to look at the dates in the article.