
Ewing’s Ironheart has really been awesome. She really has been able to build up and grounded a character that Bendis created and kind of left on the floor. Especially that social awkwardness that makes her isolated from other people, including her family.

I think with Cloud’s addition, it was for two reasons: Squaresoft/Square Enix has had a long history with Nintendo, with their games being almost exclusively for Nintendo systems, and Cloud is probably considered the most popular protagonist from their games (personally, mine is Chrono, but whatever Square). FFVII was

I salute you for this. If you want to go full colon cleanse, make kimchi hash browns and top with the fried eggs.

As opposed to whom? Let’s get all the warts out of the way:

What “people?” I mean no one black. I mean for real son he went to an all black church in South Carolina and drew an ALL WHITE CROWD. That takes a lot of work. Your man ain’t shit. He’s being vetted like he wasn’t in 2016 and he and his demented cult are showing they can’t handle it. This time the ass whipping will be

I aim to please.

Nice to see Bill Cosby has become such a strong advocate for informed consent. 

A whole season arc about how fighting for equality is Bad, Actually.

Classic Hotep of The Greys is classic. You have a nice day LaTron.

I’m black. So, just no to your bs and assumptions. It always comes down to this when you can’t effectively argue your point because your point doesn’t exist. When you have nothing to say it’s “well, you’re just racist yourself even if you’re a minority too.”

Gonna need a source for that.

But EU has been cool with UK leaving. Sad about it, but accepting it. Problem is that UK wants to keep using EU’s cars, internet, Netflix accounts and so on, to keep free movement on one EU border without any legal framework while absolutely keeping other europeans out. To keep doing their laundry in EU’s washing

You see the vile and wicked EU is like R. Kelly. Forcing all of these ladies (countries) to stay with it, using them, and giving them absolutely nothing in return. It’s totally a parasitic relationship in which the EU takes and takes, but those who are part of it get literally nothing from it. Anyway everyone has

Wait I want to add my analogy!

Do the analogy using R. Kelly!

Im not really sure that I agree with you...Seems to me that basically this is like the end of a relationship with person 1 saying “Im moving out” and person 2 (eu) saying “alright go for it.”

Do celebrities make an inordinate amount of money compared to the vast majority of the population? Yes. Is working a press circuit for months at a time a wildly mentally and emotionally draining experience? Also yes. Both things can be true.

Yeah, maybe the first 5 times, but Jackson has done SO MANY.