
I'm a black woman who is online dating (I'm on Match now, was on OKCupid a few times - I'm not doing OKCupid again, it just didn't work for me). Attractive, intelligent, gainfully employed, funny - a good catch. And I always look at the "preferred race" section first, because it's very very common to see every race

"He looks like he could eat Dwight Howard."

Everyone loved it.

Article tag should be renamed to "Callout" instead of "Fallout".

Thank you, Pope of Humour, you may go back to your ablutions now.

Whoops, read that as "Jon Stewart" and got very excited.

So dragging around guys who miss their court date then?

If you're referring to "Generic Comic," yes, it is gone.

"There is a kid-friendly recreation area where adults can drop off their young ones while they go look at giant dicks."

Well, if other companies are not demanding patch fees, then to compete, Microsoft needs to change.

He's been sued for defamation only 2 times that I've been able to find, but perhaps someone knows of other cases. The Alabama booster's case was thrown out, and Jackie Sherrill's case remains unresolved after some 9 years.

Fox news dude thinks we should look to animals as models of functional family life?