
I think that’s really why you remember the stuff from your teens and 20's and care less as tiem goes on ... especially pop music & culture. I don’t know what’s going on in pop music and culture now ... but I don’t need to. It’s the same crap that’s always been there.

List is unsuprising to me. Looks like it contains 2 types of drivers.

I haven’t seen a battery swap in the same amount of time as a refuel. Formula E swaps the whole car which is certainly not the same. The 2nd car could handle different because it’s setup different or the first has degraded. F1 using KERS isn’t remotely comparable to BEV racing.

It takes how long to refuel an F1 car?  Electrics have a ways to go before being an apples to apples comparison for motorsport.  Commuting ... sure

A couple trucks ago I got one with that trailer backup assist thing. It is really, really clever and pretty amazing. I’m decent with a trailer, but I have one of those tiny Harbor Freight folding ones I use to pack around motorcycles, help people move and such. It is a bear to back up because it’s so short. With that

That’ll suck for them, same as getting a house repossessed.

I think it’s a well understood risk. Car are also lasting longer.  Just means better stuff on the used market (especially the off lease ones).

Discounting bro-dozers, that’s probably 100% accurate ... but not for the reason you think.

The part that’s missing in all of this is everything NOT involved with final assembly. Design, engineering and everything else you can think of. It’s never black and white. A US built car may have tons of foreign parts due to global supply chain. A foreign built car may have had the majority of it’s design and

This has one key difference between it and the subprime housing fiasco ... everybody thought houses would appreciate so lenders held no risk in a default. (Which proved to be very, very wrong.) That’s not a concern here as no one is expecting their vehicle to appreciate once they drive off the lot. That should have at

My thoughts exactly. Drive it. *Hoon it. Break it. Fix it. Repeat.

Don’t know I’d call it a great decision ... but certainly a better financial decision than owning anything Italian and fast if you’re going to actually drive it!

To further that, most employees in call centers are rated at least in part based on how many calls they resolve. This means that they have every incentive to get you off of the phone with them ... outlast them. “You are not helping resolve my problem” will be picked up by the automated voice recognition software

Sure maybe more wear and tear dragging around all that weight. Also may limit his minutes a little bit as it takes more energy to move around that size.

If my $50k MSRP car is selling for $65k regularly ... you can bet that next year I’m going to have an MSRP of $60k and change NOTHING but the price to the dealer. If they can wring another $5k out let them have it.

To be fair, I bet there would be a lot of NIMBY hand-wringing and environmental protest if we were to setup large scale lithium mines in either Utah or Nevada.

That’s it. He’s the Geoffery Baratheon of basketball. In the proud Duke tradition of Christian Laettner before him ... first of his name.

All the stars. I feel exactly the same way. We have a ‘66 Mustang convertible that sees quite a bit of use. Was my wife’s grandfather’s he ordered new in ‘66. No we don’t drive it in the winter with all the salt, but we use it. Plus I haven’t fixed the heater blower ... that would suck in Michigan. Winter is the time

Go to dipyourcar ... spray it fluorescent pink.   A couple weeks later, neon green.  Cycle through as many as your wallet allows.

If it’s a “Tweel” then are we now considering the entire wheel a maintenance item? Namely, now you get the pleasure of buying all new rims & tires every time you used to just need tires?