
I’m impressed with how both held up. That F150 hit the ambulance at what looked like a pretty high rate of speed (50+) and it looked like the dummy would have had minor injuries. The ambulance is just a beast ... but to be fair the truck did hit perfectly in line with the axle.

I read a lot of stories like this one recently and they all come off as somewhat begging folks not to move out to the ‘burbs to make the author’s life better. Don’t leave for better schools, stay here and make them better! (and so on and so forth) I always wondered why, but am guessing its because they think they’ll

Most things brake faster than they accelerate since clamping something stopped is easier than twisting it to go. (I know, regen braking may not be the same.)

I’m sure there is. The set of luxury buyers that don’t care if it can lap Nürburgring have left the large luxury sedan market and bought loaded pickup trucks and SUVs. These folks want to ride around on a couch that eats miles on the highway comfortably and quietly. A higher trim crew cab pickup does that VERY well.

I agree. That’s probably why Merc isn’t looking to sell them in the US. Ford/GM/Ram all sell very expensive luxury trucks already and have highly loyal customers. Don’t know what luxury items Mercedes could put in a truck that isn’t already in a King Ranch or Platinum ...

This one hit home as I’m on the other side of this fence now, as the dad trying to help his son (5) figure out if he likes this sports thing or not. I was athletic growing up and always in sports. Had a ball, learned a lot and I think it truly helped define me to this day for the very reasons that Calvin’s dad states.

Missing the connection. Tesla is also worth way too much. Just like Bitcoin.

Why would I mind? All salesmen have a little Flava Flav in them by their nature.

My understanding is he was basically an engineer early on in his various properties. He wrote Zip2 and wrote significant code at PayPal (which is where he got rich). According to some of the talks I’ve seen, he couldn’t hire rocket engineers in the early days of Space X and was essentially lead engineer for their

No really fair to Ol’ Musky. Neither Trump nor Jobs really compare to the guy. Trump is ... well ... Trump. Jobs was a great salesman and had some good ideas, but he also had Woz to do all the impressive technical stuff and back up his claims. Musk has to be both Jobs and Woz ... pretty impressive what he’s done so

But was he ringing a bell while he said it?

Came here to 2nd David Tracy’s suggestion. Had a ‘98 Ranger 4cyl 5-speed and it was the best $3k I ever spent. Drove it for 3-4 years and sold it for $3500 (I put new tires on it). Fun story on that one. I was buying my 1st Wrangler and negotiating to trade the Ranger in (needed a back seat). Sales guy was trying to

I’d like to see it on the track. Probably not as fast as a regular sportbike, but with 2 contact patches up front is should be MUCH better at braking and harder to wash out the front end in a turn. Probably a ton of fun to drift around with 2x the traction up front.

Depends in where you’re going and the time of day. That track cuts right through the town and is a real PITA if it goes across 2 or 3 of those streets. Gotta go a couple miles out of the way to get to an underpass to get around it. Wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side if you needed an ambulance or firetruck ...

Now we know what type of car John Cena drives

Went to a concert there a couple weeks ago and the arena is really nice. Actually quicker to get to than The Palace for the folks in the western suburbs as well.

Went to a concert there a couple weeks ago and the arena is really nice. Actually quicker to get to than The Palace for the folks in the western suburbs as well.

Very true. But without the Tru-Coat you’re going to wind up with oxidation problems that’ll cost a heck of a lot more than $500. They install it at the factory you know ... but I’ll talk to my boss.

It is very frustrating. It almost seems as if they believe building the cars is the easy part! Think of all the companies that have tried building cars, now think of how many of them still exist today ... now go deeper and think about how how many are really just nameplates bought by a giant.

1) I was attempting to agree with the trend you noted and add a personal anecdote for further support. You’re welcome.