yeah its a good thing they have those policies on not bringing my own snacks keeping me from saving money by smuggling mike and ike boxes up my ass like a tijuana drug mule.
yeah its a good thing they have those policies on not bringing my own snacks keeping me from saving money by smuggling mike and ike boxes up my ass like a tijuana drug mule.
to make people like my dad that watch the news feel safer while making a slowly more compliant public willing to relinquish more and more civil rights every day. i mean how many pictures of my balls from how many angles do they need?
as someone now running a 6:30 mile, holy shit 2 hour marathon. i couldnt even imagine. just because of burning through glycogen stores. maybe with a peanut butter drip iv or something. but damn. respect to these runners.
i grew up in west virginia. i thought it was fucked when i left in 2000. man its a blistering shithole now. all i can do is try my damndest to get friends to also take the exodus.
oh i got all the irish goodies. short temper. flat feet. live off of potatoes. i just dont need a day to find liquor oclock.
unfortunately i did get the stereotypical irish temper so pinching me for not wearing green usually doesnt go well so luckily it stopped happening after i was ten years old.
as irish that doesnt get shithoused on st paddys i feel you.
makes more sense to change the name of prey since it has fuckall to do with the original than prey for the gods.
this was probably one of the smartest political commentaries ive ever seen on here. isnt it funny how we accept passively that we get the worst of society running for power? not my neighbor bob that hasnt had any investigations on his ethics practices?
goddamnit mike im on a diet. had one of these the last run. now im gonna have to run like 5 miles to burn this off.
as always jp sears is the shit.
my cat is weird and i will ask my vet on that note.
german volume training. this is my order.: back & biceps+cardio, cardio+hiit, legs+cardio, cardio+hiit, chest & triceps+hiit, cardio+hiit, shoulders+hiit. saturdays i always rest completely. i eat a diet to support this with a comfortable amount of carbs and fat.
im only 5 minutes or so into it but i feel like its a massive letdown from part 2. this doesnt even seem like the same game. does it get more fast and frenetic as you progress?
the real question is why the fuck my cat will stand or sit with his face right up against something for minutes on end. its like someone turned the signal off.
you cant just post things like this willy nilly and not expect jsr fans to get all riled up. for a fraction of a second i almost knocked shit off my table in anticipation of a new game until i kept reading.
as someone who is getting into soldering and electronics thank you so much for posting this!!!!!! i have a new toy to learn on this week.
as someone who is getting into soldering and electronics thank you so much for posting this!!!!!! i have a new toy…