
damnit claire now i want brownies. im stuck at work. i cant bake here!

thank you for giving press to such a cool fucking game. their other title mercenary kings was why i insta-purchased this on launch today. so far its a blast. it really seems like a labor of love.

ive been saying all along its an act like professional wrestling. i see nothing different between alex jones and nature boy except nature boy is the shit and jones gets rednecks all riled up.

right out of page one of the apple sales handbook: “fuck the customer” lmao gg nintendo.

not everyone is amy schumer. sometimes people come up with ideas very similar seperately. but those are oddly specific similarities.

not at all. only that i suggest you run that pbj off or itll go straight to gut and ass fat reserves.

in the context of side by side with that second ad it just jaw dropping. holy shit.


no worries it still is a scam X-D

edit: i picked the non prime one it worked as stated above. sorry. i cant delete this comment. f**kin kinja.

edit: i picked the non prime one it worked as stated above. sorry. i cant delete this comment. f**kin kinja.

G6 RINGKE ONYX code not working. just a heads up :) luckliy i grabbed a case last sale.

G6 RINGKE ONYX code not working. just a heads up :) luckliy i grabbed a case last sale.

i will reevaluate my subscriptions then! do you know does crunchy have keroro gunso as well?

they must bc ive gotten like 3 messages about it now surprisingly none too snarky.

im in the states. i swear i looked and didnt see it but im mistaken on things from time to time. ep 1 to current?

how did i miss that? my apologies. like episode 1 to current?

funimation will be my jam solely because crunchyroll does not have one piece.

I HAD A LITERAL CONVERSATION YESTERDAY “ i wish i had a controller like xbox style but smaller so it it easier to tote around in my backpack.”

i fucking love pb&j but they give me the diabeetus. i could easily eat 3-4 in a sitting.

i eat a single serving with walnuts and dates then ill lift for 45ish minutes then do about 12 minutes of HIIT. for me its preferred over preworkout. keeps me from gassing out towards the end of lifting.

instead of point out how this food isnt the healthiest option because im sure 15 other people will i just want to point out if youre gonna eat like this you may wanna sure youre working out like an athlete. they can use these sugars to workout but if you have a 9-5 desk life its gonna go straight to belly and ass.