rage wasnt horrible. just wasnt amazing.
rage wasnt horrible. just wasnt amazing.
when i played rage i had no idea it was bethesda. it was ok. not horrible but i kind of want to go back and revisit it.
TOUCHE LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. yeah. ill give you that one. but overall the track record is pretty good.
lol at ppl thinking doom was gonna suck when it was in bethesdas hands. it runs good on my not top tier pc too!
read a) “feels like” i dont own the game. taking what ive seen at face value. b) run. jump. avoid obstacles. collect things. action on rails like subway surfer and temple run. its a formula for mobile success bc touchscreen controls suck ass for games and this style works good to deal with that problem.
in marios defense rayman in general mobile and console has been insanely awesome in every way. like origins was the first game that really surpassed my expectations as someone who started on mario 3 for nintendo. until rayman origins super mario world was the pinnacle of 2d platforming. i havent lost faith in mario.…
as youre playing it and im not i will say ill give it a shot as my opinion is an outside looking in.
itd be pretty hard to fuck up an infinite run mobile game. still this feels really “me-too” after rayman jungle and fiesta run(imho the best of the lot) and all the others with the exact same gameplay mechanics.
there goes those fuckholes jobs.
even a broken clock is right twice a day.
anyone else a big fan of the shooty mc boom boom scenes in equilibrium? it was cheesy but the gun kata i thought was cool.
while this was cool, the trick to perfect bacon is baking it slow at a low temp. perfect texture and you lose almost no mass
or kind of like the fake weed thing and label it : not for health use n stuff ok ;)
fuck man how is dr oz and david avocodo wolfie gonna make a living?
HEY ERIC. thank you for this. i figured it wasnt possible. i have an 128gb card that this will be perfect for. i just assumed theyd say piracy or something and not allow it which would cause some to consider piracy on their low memory devices.
you know what i can do without? another goddamn video game with welcome to the jungle in the trailer.
uhhhhh....someone correct me if im wrong but it looks like hes suggesting to put the yeast in the hot water. the yeast im using that would kill. which is just wine yeast basically.
Step 1 and the only step: get a refund from steam. Unless you played past the hugely generous threshold of like 2 weeks. Has worked for me so far.
Subscribed! There was another podcast on greece and rome but the dude didnt do a good job of keeping the mic at the same volume level which was killing me running it through my cars audio.