The message today: let’s unite against a common enemy? NO let’s fight each other!
I’d rather they take their time and get it right. Rayman origins and legends have plenty of replayability until then.
This is a nice list but where the fuck are the dawn of war titles?!
Idk if the devs would be there but if they are is there any info from studio MDHR on a release date for cuphead? I need that shit in my life.
is this a grownup website or something for kids? of course i make all my serious decisions with celebrity endorsements /s
oh jesus christ this is how you make a skynet.
dont forget the new nexus 7 heavily rumored to drop this year with that chrome/ android hybrid os. ill be interested to see whats up.
2013 nexus 7 fixed everything that sucked about the 2012 version and is still my daily driver tablet. i just wouldnt run ubuntu on it. tons of roms.
My last experience with ubuntu on android devices was janky as hell. And im normally a linux fan.
Sounds like a good add for my sauces and roux as well. This might be nice in the mushroom sauce for Jaeger schnitzel.
ive also seen child porn slide....after i reported it.
nothing touched it for me until rayman origins
Same. Ive bought different versions of it 3 times for myself and several.times for friends. Drinkbox is god tier.
ill say what i said before. in far cry primal this would be badass to have when you use the animals. call the owl or cat then switch to vr mode
i feel like to each their own on preferences, but strangely enough not being from asia i respond best to mindfulness meditation. western meditation seems to focus on imagery and focusing thoughts as opposed to clearing out thoughts to focus on the present.
as a non-professional chef, one of those things i buy the best i can afford making something is usually butter. dont cheap out on butter.
A portable skyrim on a laptop is sweet,i concur it would be cool for Nintendo fans to also have this. If I didn’t love cheap games on steam I’d find this console super tempting. I like the design much better than wii-u.