Logan Cummins

Ok, some of these items are downright excellent (I’m talking to you, Boogie Board!), but others are insanely bad unless you want them for the ‘niche’ they fall into (I’m throwing rocks at Lenovo, in general on this one). Not only is $335 ridiculous on this ‘chromebook with SSD’, but Lenovo has Linux LOCKED OUT on it,

Ok, some of these items are downright excellent (I’m talking to you, Boogie Board!), but others are insanely bad

Don’t forget, if you have a G-Mail address, you can also use the calendar functionality (sharing calendars, etc.) to synchronize family, business, or friend schedules (works great with bands, clubs and family events!). Not quite ‘fully’ integrated with G-suite, but quite easy to work with beside it.

Actually, since G-Drive is free by merely creating and having a G-Mail address, that WOULD make G-Suite free, by default. Yeah, you only get 15-gb of free storage, but that’s quite a bit of document storage!

By the way, if you run UbuntuMate on an RPi3, you can also get GIMP, LibreOffice, Stellarium, Audacity, VLC, Calibre, LibreCAD and more for the ARM chip, too, so you really can have a ‘palm-sized computer’ fully loaded for any occasion, too. I’ve got a ‘mini-version’ of my laptop, all on an RPi3 using just a 32GB

Great list, but on the Davinci, you should have pointed out that OpenShot Video Editor is almost identical (for Linux). Of course, Linux, LibreOffice and GIMP are excellent standards, and never forget Stellarium, Audacity and VLC for astronomy, audio and video work. Calibre works great for e-books on Linux, and for 2D

Looks a LOT like one in my RV, but I would then have to offer - ADD SHELF GUSSETS or brackets beneath it. Without them, one day you’ll sit a grocery bag on the shelf, or a new box of electronic gadgetry, and BAM, down comes the shelf. A gusset will not only double, maybe triple the load capacity of the shelf, but if

I love RPi projects (just found a way to put LibreCAD on my RPi3 without tons of future ‘update’ crashes), but this one INSTANTLY made me picture the ‘Big-Bang’ episode where Wolowitz, Raj and Leonard wired up for ‘internet control’ of Wolowitz’s ‘up-skirt’ RC-truck camera - and the two Chinese hackers found

What a joke, as spammers spoof. The epitome of phone-insanity came to me one day, when a few years ago, MY CELL PHONE called me at MY OFFICE! It seems, to get a ‘local number’, a spammer (in-state) had decided to use MY own cell number as his ‘spoofed’ calling number. I actually had to answer this one, to see who

Great point about Job Perks being ‘part of the reimbursement package’. Since the 1980's, I’ve said ‘there should at least be a half-semester about what work is, how to understand it, etc.’ for school-age children. They often make lifelong paradigms from what parents say, or complain about, and never get to understand

Actually, just went to pi-hole.net to grab a .deb of pi-hole (being as it looked like it has been through a major revision), and it now ‘resides on top-of’ any pi-supported OS (Debian, Raspberry, UbuntuMate, etc.), and they recommend either ‘bashing’ it or ‘SUDO nano’ it (i.e.: no images to make, except for your OS.

Hmmm...not a major issue, but the link above for pi-hole is broken (big old 404 when you click it). Still, easy to go to pi-hole’s website, but just an FYI.

Some really great projects here. Of course, there were a few more GREAT ones that got left off (then again, the list would be a LOT longer, too). Things like NAS devices with a ‘simple drive enclosure’, a CNC foundation (for those tabletop 3-or-more axis CNC rigs), and of course, let’s not forget that these work

(Disclaimer: I am 61, semi-retired, and enough experiences to have most sane people say: “there is no way you did all that!”) Absolutely wrong interpretation of life. You don’t creep through life like you’re afraid to ‘damage the paintjob’, you run through it, jumping over hurdles, sliding into bases. Either you are a

To the point of this article, when it comes to large companies, watch out for ‘excessive partnering’ with other firms (or adding new partners, which is corporate-speak for ‘really, it’s a take-over’), watch for when EVERYONE seems mind-numbingly on-board with the company in some cult-like state, and companies that

FYI, having worked for several true ‘Fortune 500' companies in my life (before retiring), I’m here to tell you, some of the worst offenders can be found there, too. Oh, they don’t ask for money, but they also occasionally tend to be ‘cliche’, ‘stuck on themselves’, ‘generic in job description’,

Really have to argue this one with you. NOTHING is easier than downloading the image file and double-clicking it in file manager. Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, you need to be running Ubuntu Linux to have this (exceedingly nice) integration of GUI and functionality. Try it sometime, just put in the micro-SD, open your

Yeah, PCB circuit board etchant (you can buy online) can do the same thing for stainless mugs and cups. Just put on a stencil, ‘paint’ the image with a grease (like vaseline), remove the stencil, then drop in the etchant acid for 10-20 minutes. Voila! Pull the cup out of the etchant, rinse off in water, and you have

One of the reasons that I make my own, is that clearly, most sauce companies have invested deeply in hot-pepper stock, and they broke their cut-off valve when adding heat to foods (FYI, it’s hot sauce, not BBQ sauce, if heat is your focus). Seriously, BBQ is supposed to be ‘smoky-sweet’, not ‘burn your tongue-out’

Someone DOES need to explain to me, however, how they can’t ship you a ‘free-shipping add-on’ unless your cart is over $25, but when you have a cart of 5 things over $25, suddenly it’s economical for them to ship you MORE FREE STUFF, when they couldn’t just ship you the free stuff. I mean, this isn’t quite an

One of my big complaints about that ‘add on’ issue, is that it is always for something I actually ‘need’, so I either kick up the cart holdings, or spend another 30-minutes trying to find a ‘non-add-on’ equivalent that is price-comparable (good historical example is forceps, for electronics work - that one got me,