Locomotive Jones

Marine Le Pen is going to outlaw Christianity? Gosh, it sure took long enough, but what a courageous stand!

Say hello to Marine Le Pen, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve all have enough of progressives apologizing for a murderous death cult.

A lot of the white French society see them as inferior beings (France still has a very strong colonialist mind).

My friend is in France celebrating the birth of her first grandchild. She’s just been there a week and is planning to stay and help with the baby til February. She’s a little on the anxious side. Blech.

As for why France seems to have more radicalized citizens, I’m sure it’s complicated and multifaceted, but I’m guessing France’s not so great history of DEEP segregation of Muslims is part of the issue.

France has over 5 million Muslims. France has, to put it lightly, a troubled relationship with its Muslim citizens (I think both sides bear some responsibility for that, but from a potential terrorists perspective, France has pretty much relegated Muslims to 2nd class citizens).

France has a very large Muslim population.

France is notoriously xenophobic, especially regarding Muslim immigrants.

because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly.

I think it’s because how proudly secular France is and how it alienates Muslims which in return radicalizes some of the Muslims.

Mostly just want to hug Kim right now tbh

Why are you such a dick?