
This movie was so bad that I wasn’t surprised when George W. Bush was elected. It really shook me to see that we were America at the end of the 20th century and we were making this complete fucking garbage. It did a number on my optimism. Everybody selling everybody to everybody else. It was like the flagship of pop

If you dig this column, as I do, the author does the same thing for every song that went #1 on the charts.

In this century:

In 1989, my mother and my 3 year-old-self were caught crossing the border near Tijuana. We were leaving El Salvador where the American caused Civil War convinced my mom to finally leave. My mom and I were put in a detention center, TOGETHER, for 2 days. We applied for asylum as refugees of war and were permitted to

The way you describe the character arcs of Baby and Johnny makes me think it’s a bit of a gender swap, in that Johnny is the one who’s a bit in need of rescuing, while Baby is more of the white knight.  

They’ll say he’s smart by gaming the IRS or some kind of bullshit like that.

So if Trump wins the election, the creditors will honestly have to decide if they will default on a sitting president.

The disdain. The misogyny. The racism. The ignorance. The hatred.

I’m not sure how many times I’ve typed this, but I don’t think I can enough: There is not more racism in America, there are just more cameras recording it. 

This is curious timing, as I just watched this movie with friends a couple weeks ago, for the first time in easily 15 years. And I hadn’t noticed before, being younger and more naive, just how conservative this film is. Just look at the dual paths of Forrest and Jennie, and how the film regards each. Gump plays

Ah, the Boomers, the generation that mythologized itself so hard into believing that it saved the world... only to go and reveal that it was all bullshit when they voted for a guy like Trump.

I would argue that young women vote Republican because they know their financial futures are tied up with white supremacy. Also, their fathers voted Republican and their fathers privilege allowed them access to privilege themselves. Republicanism assures that they as white women will not have to compete equally with

The only reason any woman votes republican is because their husband told them to.

A plethora of extra guys.

As someone who has basically (don’t ask how; it’s not pleasant) been all-but-confirmed to be on the spectrum myself, I’d say part of the problem with asking “what is autism?” is that the literal answer in the diagnostic manual amounts to “well, anything that causes significant difficulties in stereotypically

I firmly believe that it’s an irresistible, evil compulsion to HAVE TO broadcast your most abhorrent thoughts and opinions then act on them. They mean NOTHING if you have to keep them to yourself and not bother your target!

Fuck guys, my dog is dying. A week ago he seemed like a healthy 10yo dog, then he had a seizure, wouldn’t eat his food and today we learned he’s got some kind of cancer and we’re talking palliative care and maybe just weeks to live.

The wives/mothers ALWAYS know.

I’m desperately seeking an emotional equal.