Surely then, you have issue with my screen name. I eagerly await the what for.
Surely then, you have issue with my screen name. I eagerly await the what for.
As a disabled OIF/OEF vet, I could not give a single shit what she or Colin or anyone else does with their life during the National Anthem. Stand, sit, kneel, smoke a joint, or hell... fap one out. It’s what I served to protect, so knock yourself out.
That having been said, we all know there’s a right and a wrong way…
Code monkey is a legitimate term for those that write code, and it just so happens that there’s a shitload of them in India that will work for pennies on the dollar, so how’s about you cool it with the knee- jerk butthurt?
Dear Fed: Don’t limit truck speeds... tighten hiring restrictions so 20 year old dildos aren’t put in charge of a truck load of explosives.
The fuck is wrong with you?
No 80 series, no care.
That is probably one of the stupidest things I’ve read so far today. It doesn’t even make sense. Trump was never involved with any “-gate” to begin with, nor has he ever done anything that could even be vaguely construed as similar to what Lochte did.
Oh great, now the poors will have the same car I’ll have.
I became very excited when I saw an article about the highways, because I figured that on such an anniversary, an article would have the amazing story behind the roads within. About the political, environmental, engineering and logistical hurdles, about their actual construction and design, about how their existence…
Two things:
1) Dat ass.
2) Three way; problem solved.
Bonus round: Seriously... dat ass.
Oh really, Honda? Well, fuck you too. Dick. Remember when you were cool back in the mid 90's?
A few years ago, I drove a ‘14 Sprinter for work. As a side note, what a remarkably comfortable van and glorious four cylinder diesel with seven speed auto. What a magnificent driveline, I say. I could very easily daily one off the clock if I had to. Anyway, it was governed at 82 MPH and there was a really steep…
Depends on how much traction they get.
You can’t really draw that parallel at all because when the engine shits out in a car, you pull over. When the engine shits out in a high performance aircraft, you die. Or at the very least, you make a solid go at it.
Reliability will always come before maximum performance in aircraft. Anyone who thinks or builds…
Both as a student and as an instructor. ;)
These puns are getting a bit tired. Honestly, these pun threads you always see popping up and making the rounds are just wearing thin.
Nope, it would be more likely to induce yaw due to the angle of attack. Without getting deep into it and using pictures, when a prop- driven aircraft is in a climb, one side of the prop disc will have a higher angle of attack than the other to the relative wind, and this will create asymmetrical thrust, inducing a…
Picture an abortion clinic’s dumpster mixed with dirty bathwater.
Second gear scratch, bruh.
As a guy that loves to work on cars and bikes and as a landlord, here’s my take...
What the fuck, has landscape mode not made it to the 3rd world yet?