I’m a white feminist. I’m learning my lesson, shutting up and showing up.
I did, i went to the pew research result, but was having a hard time understanding their breakdown. thanks for the link
53% of white women voted for Trump.
So no, we don’t want allies like you. You aren’t one. You can’t be one. Because we don’t have time to coddle your fragile ego.
If you don’t want allies, you don’t have to have none.
I attended a sister march and was one of a few Brown women. The speakers of the march were multi-cultural, spreading messages of immigration rights and BLM, but it fell on deaf ears because its hard to accept White Privilege.
While I understand there are valid critiques of the Women’s March, and they have been discussed elsewhere including other Jezebel articles, this here piece just kinda stinks of “gotta pick apart something!”
I’ve read quite a lot on being a good ally, because I hadn’t been (and am still actively working on it; no idea when I cross the “threshold” to “good-ally” land.) And nearly all of the articles said to NOT show up for marches.
Great point. Having the day off to protest is a “luxury” to a lot of people.
Thank you for this important perspective. It is not your job, I know, to “Educate the White Feminists” but for me, it is really valuable to hear the concerns of women of color and how they have not been supported by the feminist movement. I am making a commitment to become more involved in activism that supports the…
Jezebel is getting less and less feminist and inclusive IMO.
Keep groveling.
I attended the DC march, and while the sheer numbers of people who showed up were inspiring, the overwhelming demographic of straight, older white women of relative privilege was exhausting and often downright frustrating.
This is getting us nowhere. Millions of people marched and we bitch about it?
Kara Brown isn’t an activist. She is a professional complainer.
Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.
Complaining about people not showing up before is not how you get them to show up again.
WOC have the right to be skeptical. White women don’t have the right to have hurt feelings about this.