
I want to believe that the reason it’s getting less coverage is because Americans are deeply ashamed, but I think that’s a more hopeful reason than the dirty truth.

I think they sell out every game, so it’s no different than if they played Sacramento or Atlanta.

It’s incendiary and, if you had actually read the article, you’d see he was linking to child porn among other things.

As well she should. White men like you and I lack value and ought to be criticized at all times for everything, just like we do to every other person with a different combination of gender and ethnic background.

I think that’s the least appetizing choice of all; ymmv. I’d rather state power be involved than have no state power at all. I trust the state more than private capitalist groups, full stop.

Right. It’s absolutely not bullying in any way.

I don’t see what’s so immature about starting your own thread in response to someone’s behavior... when the person you’d like to reply to keeps deleting your responses to them.

People shouldn’t care, and if you had said that, I’d totally agree with you.

I mean, if the choice is between having powerful government officials setting hard rules or having powerful financial entities (be they private capitalists or large corporations) setting their own rules through paid-for politicians and enforcing them on the populace, I choose powerful gov’t officials every time. At

In the same place every angry American that wants to trigger a banking collapse does; in an envelope under a mattress, my friend!

Save as many greenbacks as you can and move to a modern city in a largely third-world country. That’s how you’ll maximize the value of your labor and the return you get on your capital in your day to day life.

Oh, it was definitely a joke. I got it. Why didn’t you?

You’re certainly allowed to think so; just make sure you have backup plans for that retirement you likely want.

Sometimes what’s accurate isn’t healthy or optimistic, unfortunately.

Follow the advice or don’t, I’m still claiming that I did financial work as charity for you on my 2017 taxes.

Nobody’s going to retire. US economic bubble is going to plunge the stock market into dire straits as well. Don’t have stocks/401K? You won’t retire. Have stocks/401k? You still won’t retire.

I don’t think that’s the case at all. Quite the opposite, I think the reason this individual is hiding their identity is not because they fear violent retribution but because they fear financial protest.

Yup. I’m a Cardi B hater too. I wear that accusation as a badge of honor.

You can be a hater of Cardi B or you can have good taste, but you can’t have both!

Truer words, never spoken (UNF grad that lived in Jacksonville for 7 years here, fuck that place!)

Any white working to undermine the un-earned privileges that whites currently possess isn’t a race traitor; they’re a hero restoring equality and order to society and improving society thereby.