
Bullshit. No one has talked one word about sarandon’s sexuality. You’re making shit up.

Fuck Susan Sarandon. When she was saying Trump would be better than Clinton (because at the time that was the choice) she advocated that with Trump there might be a revolution. Fuck your spoiled, privileged, white lady life. Bitch doesn’t know the first thing about revolution. People fucking die in revolutions.

Tl;dr: we don’t care who she fucks, as long as she FUCKS OFF.

But it’s so self-righteous and convenient to ignore those tens of thousands of disenfranchised voters who COULDN’T vote in various states. Or the millions who just didn’t vote.

Here’s some perspective on Susan Sarandon’s recent tweets regarding her sexuality:

It’s funny she phrased her sexual orientation’s up for grabs, because so are our pussies now, courtesy partially of all the third party voters.

I go to a Shia mosque and most of my friends are from the old country and Iran. None of them excuse Assad in the way that many on the far-left do.

Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!

What’s funny about someone with million of followers, exploiting poor workers, to make a statement that is specific to a group, who have been killed in mass numbers in the past for being who they are?

How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.

Explain, go on. How and why is this funny?

What’s funny about it?

Shinto Abe? That should be Shinzo Abe. Shinto is a Japanese religion.

Trudeau is a refreshing change from our previous Prime Minister Harper in many, many ways, but he is a politician, first and foremost. What that means is that regardless of his personal or stated positions on anything, he has to make concessions to certain political realities.

This is so deliciously good.


Because the thought of electing an extremely qualified woman gives a certain, let’s call them misogynistic asshole section of the US electorate the vapors.

Because we had to do something so we didn’t go from an uppity negro to a nasty woman! What about all the Muslims who want to kill us all! Heaven forbid! Any white man will do. (I wish I was kidding, too.)

Because ‘Murica.

But I mean- what were we going to do?! Elect a WOMAN (of all things!!) who was touted as the most qualified person to run for the position in living memory?! But those emails! The ones on the server that is just like the one being used by the staff in the White House now! But Benghazi! The event over which she had