
No, you’re trolls because you parrot the same tired-ass line every single time Bethesda releases a new game, as though you’d even give half a shit what the game engine was if you didn’t know it was an iteration on something that’s been used for years. The fact of the matter is that these are fantastic games, and you

Glad to see all the “Creation Engine is old and clunky” trolls have come out to play. Just as expected.

Spoken like someone who’s never played it before. You can play the vast majority of the quests in game by yourself, treating it like a single-player KOTOR experience, and come away satisfied.

This game has been 95%+ soloable since launch, and even more so with every update. Only thing you’ve ever needed another live player to help with are raids and flashpoints, and now flashpoints can all be done solo.

Or you just buy it with windows and you have a $400 machine you can use to play some hugely popular games (MOBAS, Many MMO’s, Counterstrike probably).

I wouldn’t admit to 700,000 counts of retail theft on kinja

Bernie Sanders appearance;