I only store ziplock baggies full of urine in the seat back pockets of flights I am on. I like to leave a little something something for the airlines as a thank you for no leg room.
I only store ziplock baggies full of urine in the seat back pockets of flights I am on. I like to leave a little something something for the airlines as a thank you for no leg room.
Put him in general population and let him get raped.... repeatedly.
Get off the DNC plantation..... they taking all y’all for granted.
Are your nipples hard? Mine are.... bring it ford!
And to think your mother came to this country for a better life and she is voting democrat? Wow... she’s got to be one of the stupidest immigrants in recent decades.
I am tired of funding Elon’s ego.... sign me up.
Who cares... in 10-15 years all those new Cadillac’s will be simply known as “Ghetto-riqs”
Elizabeth Warren hasn’t worked a day in her life... additionally, she lied from day one about her ethnicity.
How many black voters on super tuesday for Biden were on welfare?
This is how you deal with criminal car dealerships...
Ugheee. Zee Ugly French Cars are on zee loose....
Fuck no. Fuck my neighbors. I often change their unsecure wifi networks SSIDs to vulgar, racist and overtly homophobic slur names.... “C*nt-Waffen-SS” was the most recent one. Belongs to a black bitch next door.
Going after the pilots family and estate is low class.... typical behavior
Great Woods Ln, Charlestown Township, PA 19355
You are being watched.
Not worth it.... wouldn’t pay 30 cents for that lump of crap.
I actually like the styling. You people have no taste.
Cheaper one found... https://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/cto/d/2016-mercedes-benz-amg-gt/7060032585.html
Start producing oscar worthy content.... simple as that. stop letting tyler perry make movies...
he could send me a million.. still won’t get my vote.... that racist stop and frisk transgenderphobic white bread piece of shit.
Bloomturd doesn’t stand a chance in November.