
What do driving a fast Honda and coming out of the closet have in common?

At first everyone is surprised, but in the end you’re still gay.

mask = up to no good.  look at those antifa assholes.

Bird flu, Swine flu, SARS, Coronovirus (which should be called the kung flu, but no one in the media would call it that), what’s next? Thanks China.

O.k.. so we have Ving Rhames in drag... nifty.

Lots of pictures of lots of shitty welds....  I’ll pass

Any fattie who puts themselves out on national tv for all to gawk at deserves every bit of ridicule and name calling they get and then then some. Fat people are disgusting.

This is bullshit.  If you can’t afford to maintain your own car, don’t expect the tax payers to do it for you.  If that is too much to ask.. take your ass back to the bus stop.

How much hope and “change” did you get in the past? lol

The only people buying one of those here are those idiots in the bay area who are currently living out of old chevy astro vans to avoid high rent

Here’s the million dollar scratch off lottery ticket question: Why the fuck didn’t you keep your dumb ass there?

Nissans/Infinitis have been shitty cars for a decade.

What do driving a fast Honda and coming out of the closet have in common?

Vapers, Crossfit fanatics, Tesla Owners, Vegans.... they will all share the same special spot in hell.

As if asian nail technicians were not sadistic enough.... then there comes along this freak of nature.

Stalking your ex using the imei code off of an old iphone box is kinda creepy...    shame on you.

Does it come with extra white hoods in the frunk or in the trunk?

Dr. Phil has some serious mental issues of his own he should seek professional help for.   Been saying that for years now... 

Ah....  finally the over paid gay hair dresser can ride around in style.