Here ya go little fella....
Here ya go little fella....
Damn it looks like I will be buying two cars when they come off lease in 2023..... this and the C8
I have no doubts people hate the sight of you as well. Don’t like it? Bring your own folding chair or keep your fat ass at home... easy fix.
We ALL know what really happened.... Clinton had him “suicided”. Epstein was too much of a narcissist to kill himself.
Dental work or not.. he’s still a twat.
The very question is racist and you should be ashamed for asking it. Who gives two rats asses what color skin or what gender the brewer is? As long as the product tastes good... who cares? Oh wait.. let me guess.. you are a registered democrat and like to put people into categories and boxes.
Do you want some twitchy, emaciated, sore covered recovering meth head serving you food or handling money?
Ever lived in a disaster zone?
Considering we freed Denmark from the tyranny of the Nazis.. I think they should gift us the island of Greenland and call it even.
Pity they didn’t couple it with whites only drinking fountains, restrooms and lunch counters... you know... to get that true 50's feel. Half assed attempt Amazon... imagine all the free press that would have garnered?
That’s a klan hood!
And of course it’s white.... we all know how racist those Fredo’s are over there in Italy.
Cuomo even called himself “Fredo” on several occasions.... he’s full of crap!
Olive Garden is more offense than “Fredo” is to Cuomo.... lol
Olive Garden is a culinary hate crime!
$500 bucks for a lifetime of shitty food and nasty eating conditions.... sign me up! (um no)
Tesla/Fiat... that would be hysterical... shoddy build quality coupled with shitty engineering...
Tesla/Fiat... that would be hysterical... shoddy build quality coupled with shitty engineering...
Does he plagiarize there too?
Is Epstein #36 or #37?
Of course it was in California, Florida was my second guess..... Both states should not allow its residents to operate motor vehicles.