Sure they don’t cost a Brazillion dollars? lol
Sure they don’t cost a Brazillion dollars? lol
Nope. Cincy/Ohio/The whole rust belt is a toilet
Does it come with a dented metal lunch box and a wife with a black eye?
Typical liberal white guilt bullshit. What the fuck did anyone living today have to do with slavery? Get over yourselves.
You forgot one.... Stop this victim mentality bullshit.
Want to see how good you have it here? Go visit Liberia. Somalia or Sierra Leone for a week.
Wait till the footage of Bill Clinton on rape island is released later this week....
What would you call a Black Nationalist?
Flannel wearing lesbians and effeminate beta males rejoice! A new small pickup truck is on it’s way!
When will the wicked bitch of the west have that long over due massive stroke and die already?
The left demonizes anyone who disagrees with them and their views as a “nazi”. The label is about as worthless as the other one the left throws around all the time.... “racist”
I’d be curious to see what ties she has with al-Shabaab!
Jap tourists are complete and utter assholes.... nuking japan a third time might.. I repeat might.... make them less assholey
Thanks for reaffirming my choice to NEVER buy a Tesla.
The fact is says KIA on the car should be a big enough red flag not to buy one.... Killed In Action.
On my last trip to Hawaii.... every single japanese tourist was rude as hell. To the point I wanted to approach each and everyone of them and remind them we nuked them twice and a third one should happen.
The American people have had it with these freshmen congresswomen’s bullshit. AOC costing jobs, Omar’s fraudulent entry into this country (marrying her brother), Tlaib & Pressley’s racist rants..... Can’t see any of them making it to a second term.
The biggest racist to hold the office of president in the last decade was obama. The vile hate spewing from him was unreal.
Regardless of the price, we all know someone’s trailer in Alabama is going into foreclosure over this purchase....
Deport them all back to Somalia.... ungrateful savages...
Nike is cooking the books again....