I was responding to the previous post, so fuck off.
I was responding to the previous post, so fuck off.
Just because something is funded does not mean it’s run effectively. And no there is not a need for more bloated programs unless all you care about is a welfare state. Which it sounds like you do. The influx of legal immigrants/resident aliens/students etc. has to have a limit. If the other 7+ billion people in the…
I got a tattoo but it says ‘The Regerttes’
Right. U.S.A. and the Socialist Republic of California.
In the pantry.
Then streamline your bloated bureacracy. The government is too big and full of unnecessary agencies/programs/departments. Saying that the process is hard or rigged or whatever cop out makes you feel justified in your bullshit argument for letting in everybody is what the left does.. The U.S. constitution does not apply…
Like you would do anything, you fucking piece of shit. You probably couldn’t get out of your mom’s basement.
Let’s do attract the best and brightest. But let’s not have a turnstyle at the border, figuratively speaking. Go through the legal process.
Then you might want to clean the shit out of your ears so you can hear it better.
Not with all that feminist bullshit we won’t
What is your comments endgame?
I know. It’s so hard being self-righteous.
Yeah Jussie, take responsibility.
I thought all black people had pitbulls.
It’s all fucking grandstanding. The bill is going to be passed regardless. Stewart is doing this more for the publicity than anything else.
That is so sexist...and nationalist.