You are a delusional moron.
You are a delusional moron.
And Hirono puts on a master class in being a feckless cunt.
Barr wrote a 4 page memo on the executive conclusions of the report. It was not a summarization of the whole report. But spin it how you like because it’s more for weak entertainment value than actual factual reporting.
Nowhere did it say that the DOJ refused to set a date.
I guess The Root is so out of content, that it has to rerun 1 1/2 year old stories. Or is it just race baiting?
This is why the terrosists hate us.
How much did Hiliary spend doing the same thing during King Bill’s reign? She’s been avoiding Bill for years. They only get together when they need to raise money.
Nah. I’ll just troll here.
you can take my security blanket from my cold, dead hands...
Right after this drink....
Bigger, dumber idiot writes a shitty article about it.
So now Liberals are against bussing? WTF?!?
So now Liberals are against bussing? WTF?!?
Concentration camps?!? Go get your head examined Dummycrat.
Funny how this comes out after the turnover at DHS. Disgruntled staffers leaking this story which first took place in November as a parting shot for those fired/resigned. I wish the Trump admin would bus free-range illegals to their cities. If politicians want to declare sanctuary cities, let them deal with the…
Good. Free-range illegal immigrants coming to a sanctuary city near you.
Because he’s a piece of shit convicted of treason who doesn’t deserve any sympathy. He stole and turned over classified material to a foreign entity and was pardoned by another piece of shit. Fuck HIM, I hope HE gets what HE deserves.
Ilhan Omar without her headwrap...I’m worried now.
Probably because the NYT is a rag that doesn’t employ one legitimate journalist but instead had op-ed writers posing as such that spout unfounded , emotional garbage instead of fact-based journalism. The ‘editors’ only seem to do their job after the article has been published and needs to be ‘corrected’.
Another failed Democratic operative...