
Anyone who thinks gamers aren't so bad need to take a trip down to their comment section

what am I looking at?

why is it so hard to separate these things, like an actual discussion and somebody just spewing unproductive nonsense insults or using the term gamers guide and a contributor proclaiming gamers are dead in the context if the article. All of these things are separate

Another smh-till it falls off-worthy n4g diary entry incoming! Now that community is depressing

I've been there before and after and I'm not gonna say there's been an improvement. I'd say it's worse because you can no longer chalk it up as anonymous bullshit

I'm in charge of approving comments and yours just haven't been good enough IMO

it was obvious that you know since I mentioned fez my comment might have I don't know been more geared towards Phil fish, and him being talentless, but hey I'm not that smart either

so you haven't, and you also aren't funny nor really all that creative. Makes sense, adds up

you'd be surprised. I hate read Internet comments. It's kinda my thing and espn comments are Facebook linked and holy hell people just don't give a fuck

if you can't do it on your own, if you can't figure out who to trust and who not, on a hobby where you're either paying a little or a little more than a little for the product, that you experience and interact with and come to your own conclusions about it then you're the problem you're doing it wrong. This isn't

if you think she's talking about you...

So you obviously have not played fez.

This is an old taek.

inb4 gamers rationalize their use of hateful/ harassing speech

also obama imo

"Wow space sims are cool"

pc peasants so desperate for our console scraps. it's almost cute, really. #consolegamingmasterrace

strong stance

"I knew there was a reason I kept my old gen consoles. "

how is anyone getting fucked by a game being multiplat? How do you even function?