
I'm holding out hope that the really dumb comments, and there are a ton, that are like "I'm not one of those people but" and proceed to be one of those people is just one dude going back and forth between accounts, and also doing the same thing in every Internet comment section on Earth

yeah not really and what a lame comment smh

something tells me people probably use pcs more for porn and also studies have shown that console gamers have more sex SOOO

this was a headline title of a jezebel article earlier today

the only thing on this very planet(earth) more sinful than watching pornography is game piracy. smh @ the heathens

Way to set the bar nice, and low, buddy

you know they gotta be Internet commenters

2-3 weeks not 2-3 days smh

Probably not. It looks nice on the ps4, but the ubi art games look good everywhere.

it's really good and sorta kinda plays like diablo but with a time slowing/stopping mechanic, the music is great and it's visually beautiful. It's not very long but that's ok. It's definitely worth a purchase. But yeah, good luck trying to play something that isn't diablo before destiny comes out. I can't stop and I

plus is usually a great deal but when you need to rent friends to play sportsfriends with it adds up smh


why do people even bother correcting people for this? Does it make you feel like super smart?

they've sold out of every copy for forever :/ you really shoulda preordered.

probably not because multi console owners will buy the ps4 version, and umm it's probably going to outsell the xb1 version by quuiite a bit.

and here we go... This brings out the worst people that I can't even fathom exist in the same world I do.

might want to specify that it's a pc thing. Even though I know that, and you know that, and everyone knows that, there will be that one guy who says you should say it's only on the pc. No one wants to be that guy.

I want soup so bad. I think I could eat infinite soup.

he'd rather be looking to be super negative and for a game to have zero redeeming qualities because that's fun somehow

Fuuuuck... that name is so good