Independent AAA smh you aren't fooling me with your code words. If my money isn't going straight to a giant publisher and their ability to hold press events on the moon I'm not interested
Independent AAA smh you aren't fooling me with your code words. If my money isn't going straight to a giant publisher and their ability to hold press events on the moon I'm not interested
i think mike bithel is an alright dude and I will buy this game. I just hope indie games don't catch on because it's a slippery slope and the next thing you know we have grown men marrying electronic devices imo
when we talk about games, if they're indie there should at least be an asterisk beside game because we all know they aren't even real games smh
Except every multiplat game has been better on the ps4 but sure lets just pretend that'll change because magic and pretend time
ok but us multi console owners now get an inferior version than the one we would have gotten if it had been multiplat at launch
when someone tees you up something like this it makes you wonder if you're even talking to a human,
no one really uses the timed exclusive phrasing when describing games, it's usually reserved for dlc for multiplats, maybe it's a "first on consoles". If you don't think it's a timed exclusive then stop commenting on video games because you're useless (not you cause were best buds tho, ac4life)
someone booo this man IMO
I'm starting to regret buying this piece of shit at launch. I'm just going to become a ps/Nintendo fanboy
I own both consoles. Tomb raider was one of my favorite games from 2012. I'll wait for the superior version when the timed exclusivity ends. This is just dumb. I'm lying, I probably won't wait, actually I definitely will not, but this is so incredibly lame and desperate, and unlike indies and first party titles, we…
recommend this comment if you're cool and you like good music and/or the soundtrack for this game(they are probably inseparable). You're welcome IMO
one of the finest achievements in modern day filmmaking. it also have us the rodeo cheeseburger.
I'd prefer we'd mock all beliefs
I'm not usually this type of person, but his tweets(along with his actions obviously) just make me wish he has some really bad luck and some really bad things happen to him.
seriously tho
he's a ultra fanboy, it might be just for fun, but it's his thing
he's equally terrible in his own way. Also no one really takes bayless or smith seriously...