
you did call it the largest game of all time, and referenced how many people worked on it and used it as an example of why developers shouldn't even worry about being jobless because of things like no mans sky changing the whole entire game up... So if someone would step back and read that, revolutionary fits, just

I'm guessing you just surf the web looking for really tiny people to convince yourself you aren't short so you have examples of famous people at the ready. Which is just adorable you tiny tiny little person! But yeah tom cruise is tiny and when you make a career on kicking peoples ass, the fact you can't ride

Umm necro's thing is that he's a super fanboy... Sometimes when everyone is doing it's because it's the best thing. Not all of the time, but in this case it is.

errr all the multiplats run better on the ps4...

what a sad little person you are

higher production values, compelling narratives, bigger scaled universes in games that aren't Zelda(and that one other game(x) that will be used as an example), a universal trophies/achievements system, cross play, there are probably other things. Nintendo is the best at what they do, but I'd rather they commit more

you are consistently terrible , gotta respect that

I came In here to bring it up...

"Pretty original material, you must be a pretty funny guy"

Well I could understand if it was like Nintendo related carts... But it's not. And saying most certainly would charge for is certainly a stretch. Except for ea charging for advertising DLC in sim city. But EA is gross and if course they would

would have preferred they instead gave you the option for the cars to ride the characters imo

Yeah, no

I think they meant doing the good things, but I'm no doctor

I miss the times when Nintendo was in this for the games smh.

probably closer to this

as a Mercedes owner, I'm pretty excited about this, just because it's so super dumb but at the same time kinda rad and my life is essentially Mario kart except not at all because none of what I'm saying makes any sense. But yeah, gross, inb4 the NDF


very much so, I prefer it over spelunky because of the RPG elements. Spelunky is more of a high score chase platformer and RL is more of a character building thing and that's usually how a game like this gets it's hooks in me.

Woah,close call, that six bucks just saved Christmas

I'm sure his looks pretty similar except with more penis