it's not really a joke if there was never really the possibility of it being funny. it was just a stupid comment
well that's dumb
That seems suspicially quick
1. Trophies
if they were Japanese animation characters or cheez-its it'd be so much better :(
Yo why does durant gotta be one of the rowers. He's got more money than the rest of these weirdos. Although I'm having a hard time making out the baseball player on my phone.
I'm a guy but I still want to make a version of this out of human skin IMO
this is a GREAT development. It's things like this that eventually lead to the end of the bullshit.
errr if it's even considered a possibility and you need to come out and deny is pretty telling
mr big shot ny times guy over here
it's on VOD. And watch it. It's super great. Just not with the toddler around
yo fuck texas
i red this and now I am dum and cant spell rite or no grammer
I see a brief mention of olliolli but I think we can all agree it deserved it's own section IMO gonna have to edit that in ill be waiting thanks for admitting your mistakes and fixing them
I am literally respond to your comment right now
cry more loser baby. you can't hide from me!! wooo!
I've been playing a lot of olliolli. Not sure why no one mentioned that it's the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME. Once I get what I want out of it I'm either going to move on to ghost trick or the newish Layton or maybe shovel knight with the slight possibility of the sly game that was free on plus.