
yeah it's a weird phenomenon on the Internet. It's been like this for like 15 years.

The people with the ps4s and the Xboxones are too busy being cool having the sex with all the women, living the ciroc life to vote on polls on Internet websites SMH

I love when there's another Internet commenter out there that isn't a crazy person

10s for everybody because video games are super cool. Well not everybody. I give EA a 0. Because having no video games and a press conference is a bad look.

why? Why do you want them to not do that? Explain why you think this way and why you felt you should share it. Explain to me everything about your life, I want to put it in proper context


ok so why are we focusing on ubisoft? I'm not this guy who white knights a company, but the focus on ubisoft seems misguided, that there are bigger fish to fry, and knowing ubisoft, they'll put 600 people on solving this by October 2015. I just feel like a lot of people are ruining this opportunity by focusing on

There's a weird group of people, really vocal, that had reviewed the game before it came out but since it sold a ton, I'd say it's a really vocal minority. As time passes it will be fondly remembered. It's good game. I know good things. I am not wrong.

it doesn't suck and it's unfortunate that everyone reviewed this game long before it ever came out. Id feel bad almost if I could understand the point

she was still awesome point me to the female, narrative driven Nintendo game.

you appear to be pretty pretty dumb

yeah but the train sucked

"When you're being forced to buy at BASELINE a $400 console"

I'll defend the vita all day but god damn are these radicals annoying


gonna go out on a limb that unless you have the best imagination ever this won't be possible with the game

one of the five best films of 2012

alien. it's not even close. Remember that awkward time in history when people answered with something that wasn't alien ??

I've seen enough. I'm sold.

if we put women in video games what's to stop someone from putting farm animals or motor bikes in games? we have to draw the line somewhere. slippery slope IMO