I don’t even care how the hell they will fit Alpha Flight into the MCU...
I don’t even care how the hell they will fit Alpha Flight into the MCU...
Your problem is that you expect everyone to either be a radical or against your cause (a common problem among radicals) . One can be pro-feminism while also being against radical feminism. People like me. And all reasonable people.
I’m 100% for equality and reducing issues in our society that drive inequality, but have you spent any reasonable time on Jezebel? The level of sheer arrogance and “You’re always wrong because you’re male” attitude over there is utterly ridiculous and not helpful to the cause.
unless you focus and look at it without your anti-feminist lense
::reads title::
Not necessarily. The whole point of a trap is to make sure the person you want to trap doesn’t see it. This has been blown up and everyone sees it and knows why Obama did it, so it won’t be that big of a deal if Trump reverses it. Secondly, as much as I hate to admit it, Putin has played this brilliantly. By refusing…
LOL at all the idiots getting their panties in a bunch over this. They do this because they can, because let’s be honest, we’ve ALL SAID something along these lines. It could have been funny at the moment or not, we’ve all done it. Fuck all the over sensitive people. fuck’em
“Seems Marvel is trying to offer up an ala carte comic universe, where new and old comic readers alike can read a series that fits their tastes...”
Those damn kids goosestepping all night long.
Back in the day they didn’t have video games, cable TV, movies, etc. Imagine how bored they would get. Think about how many hours of the same video game one can play in a week today. Much the same way, people back then would try making things over and over until they got it right. Yes, we are wasting our time with…
“Who Me?”
Fuck you! Elton John is fine.
The Russians literally blew an airliner full of innocent human beings out of the sky a little more than a year ago, and then trolled the entire planet by plainly denying it and moving on while an entire angry western hemisphere stood around with its dick in its hands.
I think solar-covered parking lot canopies are a huge missed opportunity right now (imagine something the size of a Wal-Mart parking lot). Not only would it provide a ton of solar power, but you could also park your car in shade. Why is this not happening everywhere?
So I can hate blackness or Islam as structural problems without hating Blacks or Muslims? I don’t think that reasoning would fly with any of those groups.
Why not name the course “Insitutional Racism” then? “Whiteness” is a trait people are born with. There is no problem with being white. Just like there is no problem with being born black or brown.
Fuel goes in, vroom comes out. You can’t explain that.
Still the best drawing of all time