“What the fuck is going on in this neighborhood?”
“What the fuck is going on in this neighborhood?”
This is exactly what both Clintons did and it helped tear the dnc apart. This is quid pro quo. Some of us don’t want a corrupt system governing over us. But seeing some the comments it seems a lot of you are ok with it. You can want a banana republic for all I care but don’t expect progressives to get behind this…
Reading this article and comment section has made me feel like a crazy person. Thank goodness your intelligent comments were here. I love Obama and think he did a great job so it crushes me he has taken this money. It’s nothing but corruption and hypocrisy and Obama should be ashamed. It’s everything wrong with…
President Obama has the right to make as much money as he wants, but I reserve the right to point out that this payment is exactly what’s wrong with politics - and another example of how corrupt the entire system is. If we are gonna give him a pass because he’s black, then we are in deep trouble - this is black…
I never thought she did it until I saw this picture.
This article is absurd. The only factor here is which political party is hurt by this accusation. Jezebel would never dare write a story about whether or not she gets the benefit of the doubt if the sides were reversed
A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance…
There’s a difference between voting FOR leaving the EU and voting against Clinton and Trump. This guy didn’t vote for a third option. He voted to leave the EU, and that’s what won.
It is tacky. But acting cold toward the acquaintance afterward and charging him for expenses you initially weren't going to is worse than tacky: it's passive-aggressive. Boundaries, man. Set them.