The higher limits of an R8 could be negated by a poor driver. The lower limits of a CR-V could be enhanced by a skilled driver. You can’t pick and chose your speed limits.
The higher limits of an R8 could be negated by a poor driver. The lower limits of a CR-V could be enhanced by a skilled driver. You can’t pick and chose your speed limits.
Usually these ‘I was watching this game with my grandpa’ stories are great, especially with baseball, but for some reason I felt nothing reading this one.
Poor dude's only seen 27 championships.
Oh fuck this noise. He got to see the 1927 Yankees in person and probably twenty something titles. Probably bitched about Torre not doing well enough as a manager because he was an Ital.
The Yankees won’t be in the World Series, and all is well with the world once more.
yeah. GT350 feels quite a bit more special and better balanced, especially for the type of spirited driving i often find myself doing
I don’t really care for the RTR body add-ons. The grille is the worst part to me. I’d rather have a regular Mustang GT Performance Pack 1 or 2 or a Shelby GT350.
Agree, I’ll take the Voodoo with it’s glorious noise and measly 526hp all day.
Just need some clarification, the Series 1 is $7500 and that’s just cosmetic? If you want the supercharger it’s another $7700?
The glowing nostrils are the dumbest aftermarket mod to put on these things. My god that thing looks ugly with them.
The weird triangular lights are unfortunate. Looks like a pig.
How much does this give credence to the thoughts that he’s too heavy, that he could play 1-2x a week in HS/college without incident but that the NBA grind will snuff him out, or that his playing style is too violent to stand up for more than a couple years? Legit question.
Have you seen Yankee’s fans online? or in Person?
You should’ve just left it at the first three sentences. Nothing you say can make the Astros look worse than the yankees. You cheer for the same team that Rudy Fucking Guiliani cheers for. No. Fuck the yankees.
Sure, still, fuck the Yankees though.
+1 Correct Take
Tough but fair.
Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.
I’ll expand on this—*MOST* frequent fliers are business travelers. As Mr. Party said, the tax won’t reduce their travel, it will increase their employers’ expenses. So what it will reduce is their salary, potential for raises, and even likelihood of being hired into a travel-required job in the first place.
I like this. An A380 should pay a lower tax than a private jet because (assuming, I dunno, 80% full) it spreads its consumption out (not to mention the impact to taxiing, idling waiting for a bay to park, fuel pumping time/energy usage) over 500 - 800 people, rather than like 8 in a private one.