
Bo3 campaign was garbage... Cod campaigns used to be good... Back when they were still fresh. Now it's just a bland press x to breach press f to pay respects... Hold it... Micheal bay film

Good, once for it is taken down.. pub g’s antics can backfire... Killing off themselves....

Wasn’t h1z1 originally a dayZ clone though?

More important areas like releasing more single player exclusive games and C rate J games?

Its definitely a fun fight and different... But the fight isn’t that enjoyable..it does get dull after a while.. and I’m not sure why ppl are hyping up the armor and weapons so much... Sure it has some somewhat decent skills... And the b set has good gem slots..but unless your stacked on decorations for a build

One hell of a fight? Lol

What about mobile users???

or you can you know pay to get them? Don’t get why people complain about it.. there system is completely reasonable.. instead of just locking dlc behind a pay wall which is is what 90% of games do.. they give it instantly to people who pay as usual and make free to play players work for it...

It’s really not that impressive.. some one who gets 1 kill a game with a knife could do the same.. all it takes is time..

Ads or should I say the “ad” isn’t even bad on Xbox tbh... It’s literally a small box to the far right of the screen... I’ve owned my Xbox one since near launch and I’ve never found myself scrolling pass through the ad to access stuff on my dashboard...same applies to the ad box on the 360.

Lmao, you must be a causal if you think D2 is better than vanilla D1..

Nah b,

Bungie is a developer that you can no longer trust? Are you forgetting destiny is headed by Activision? The same company that made cod go downhill?

Alright time to first off. Just downloaded this update for the dashboard.

Yea it’s the updated controllers

You brought up 1 point.. about exclusives but PS4 only has like 4-5 triple A games over Xbox(most of which are single player).. the rest are just random indie and j games..

Nah, Xbox gaming community remains the most active during online play...

Fall flat? They clearly said more games will be added as time goes....and the point of the device is to try out a bunch of games your normally don’t have the means to get or to try out games... For 19 bucks the service is worth it already..

Tbh dlc isn’t what killed cod 4 remastered the game... Was bad to begin with....Camping in that game is worst than it is in any cod to date...Maps are hot garbage...Camp spots literally leave you you with vision over 80% of the map...Spawns are garbage to go with the garbage maps..You literally spawn in walk 2 steps

Exactly it was the Xbox 360's competition that helped pull Sony out of the ground with their PS4...And the same applies here..