
It's worth clarifying/reinforcing that this only applies to Lenovo's consumer lines. This does not appear to affect the IdeaPad or the Think product lines.

There's also the Wisconsin Gas Building, formerly the Milwaukee Gas Light Building. The "flame" on the top of the building went active in 1956. The lights were replaced with LEDs in 2013.

So we're calling DDoS "hacking" now?

Hello! I am the creator of the display. The beams never shine on neighbors and all my neighbors are super supportive as I raise money for the homeless in the area. FAA is down the street and they don't mind as long as it's not lasers etc. I also carefully planned the beams to avoid flight paths. The instruments are

dude, did you read any of the article?

Now playing

The "first contact" scene, where Dr. Arroway (Jodie Foster's character) receives the message, is among my favorite scenes in movie history. I love the fact that it becomes a continuous shot once she arrives back at the facility.

Even as an occasional pirate, I don't see how anyone can justify using this service unless they just straight up don't give a fuck about stealing intellectual property.

Anyone else feel similarly? Can one hate the economics of the entertainment industry, the political shenanigans of the MPAA and RIAA, and the shitty

Or just add metric to the current signs.

You can have mixed units without it being that bad. Just have them side by side as Mi and Km columns. Then, over the course of several decades you have the Km column fade in, and then the Mi one fade out. (not by advanced paint, just by having them replaced every 15 years)

Easy, then: make it a law that all new or replacement road signs must display both imperial and metric measurements, until such time the country reaches a point deemed to be "substantial completion," after which the imperial measurements could be removed (or left off subsequent new/replacement signs).

One feature that I've found many weather radios leave off, including many Midland models, is the ability to automatically turn off at the end of the alert message. It is rather annoying to come back home and hear the weather radio chattering away, because at some point it turned on to play an alert, and never turned

what a few lucky bastards will get to see

The other option is to only award bids to cities that have a high percentage of Olympic-ready facilities and infrastructure in place. That would mean either awarding to cities that have already hosted, or cities like Chicago that can put together a plan that makes extensive use of facilities they already have.

How about revisiting some of the past cities that have hosted the games? Recycle.

Lol, those gestures are corny. Why have a gesture for something that you can physically interact with? Let me pull on the hardware and if needed, have it electronically assisted.

This is simply the paperwork being filed with the CPSC. The "recall" simply involves pushing out the update that disables Nest Wave, and offering refunds to consumers should they so choose to return the unit, both of which they did weeks ago. Nothing has changed here at all.

Maybe check out the linked recall notice....

Nothing new. A few details from the CPSC :

You should probably also add that (a) this was brought to Nest purchasers' collective attention a while ago, (b) there are no actual reports of injuries/death caused by the problem, (c) the "problem" is only really a problem if you're using the "silence" feature (i.e., frantically waving right in front of the unit) at

Update: A Google spokesman provided a statement regarding the SEC filing: