
The students were “asked to come up with a solution”? There wasn’t any need to “come up” with anything. Digital carillons are quite common, can be purchased off the shelf, and in many cases, they are indistinguishable from the “real thing.” (They’re basically just embedded computers with an amplifier and a PA speaker,

I agree. I mentioned this elsewhere, but this sort of felt like a psychic’s “cold read.” They knew that the movie would include Thanos, and there was a pretty good chance that part would take place in NYC... so they played the odds and mentioned those two things, just like a psychic does.

The Bears have a better chance of hosting the Super Bowl than the Packers do, so that’s something.

He also has vascular parkinsonism caused by the strokes. Vascular parkinsonism is a condition whose symptoms mimic Parkinson’s Disease.

Interesting coincidence that Wheeler Dealers’ episode tonight was a Grand Wagoneer.

I’m not a pilot, but isn’t it a standard part of every pilot’s training to put the plane into a stall (or stall-like) condition, then practice the procedures for either getting the engine started again or gliding the plane down safely?

The first season of DS9 wasn’t bad. It was just deeply mediocre. There’s really not an unwatchable episode in the first season. They’re mostly just remarkably mundane, forgettable episodes.

“Through the Looking Glass,” the DS9 mirror episode he was on, aired in April of ‘95. Voyager premiered in January of ‘95.

As far as the scratching goes, some glass screen protectors are harder than others (on the mohs hardness scale).

I understand not wanting to put a phone in a case, but why not use a glass screen protector? They add only marginal thickness, and allow for the glass to be removed and replaced if it ever scratches up, giving you a nice fresh surface.

For some reason, back then, I kind of wanted one of these. The idea of a “micro-minivan” really appealed to me. The idea of a car that small with a sliding door was just oddly intriguing.

Ok, then, if Net Neutrality was a bad example, let’s try this: most reports suggest that the majority were against the tax bill. See how well that worked?

“Let’s go ahead and have it out. I am confident the majority who support legalization will prevail.” The majority supported net neutrality. See how well that worked for us?

Which is, of course, something they’ve done before. (They revisited 9 and 10's console room twice since Tennant’s departure; once in “The Doctor’s Wife,” then again briefly in “The Time of the Doctor.”)

It’s unsupported, but you can enable Airdrop on your wired network connection. Open terminal, and enter the following commands:

I was referring to manufacturers who produce and sell brand new devices as I described. I wasn’t referring to older used devices.

I question those market share reports, mostly because the “Android” category almost certainly includes all the basically disposable phones that are “smart phones” in name only... devices with out-of-date versions of Android, woefully out-of-date processors, tiny low-res screens, and barely enough storage for the OS

Watching this now. It reminds me of a low budget, less funny version of the “Onion News Network” show that used to be on IFC.

“Hopefully the owner isn’t too upset about the extra scratches on the roof from the shoving.” I assume that any car that overturns in an accident is almost certain to be totaled anyway, so a few additional scratches probably won’t make a bit of difference.