
You’re better off getting the Tramontina tri-ply set from Walmart. Cook’s Illustrated rated it a “best buy.” It was rated a very close second to the All-Clad set they tested (not this one; a much better, induction ready set).

You’re better off getting the Tramontina tri-ply set from Walmart. Cook’s Illustrated rated it a “best buy.” It was

One possible explanation: ADR (Automated dialogue replacement). The actors often re-record their dialogue in a recording booth. What we may be getting here is strictly the audio from an ADR session.

Yes, it does. You just need to get a CableCard from your FiOS provider.

“I can call him Bill, right?” Actually, protocol states that he should be introduced in the article as “former President Bill Clinton,” then “Mr. Clinton” further on in the article. A United States president retains the title even after leaving office, and should be addressed with respect.

Birdemic was never done on MST3K. That was done by RiffTrax. Truly horrible, but it doesn’t qualify for this list.

I was OK with the Joel-Mike transition, mostly because it kept the fundamentals of the show intact... you still had a guy on the Satellite of Love with two bots, being sent movies by the mads down in Deep 13.

There was a line from the pilot episode of “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” that sticks in my head that is very appropriate. The character Danny Tripp, when it was suggested that he film his movie in Vancouver to save money, disdainfully responded “Vancouver doesn’t look like anything. It doesn’t even look like

I love that Edd makes everything he does seem so elementary, like any schmuck with a screwdriver and a faint idea regarding which end of it to use can do the stuff he does on the show at home. If only it were that easy in real life.

Now playing

Yes, the ice is underneath the basketball court. They lay down an insulating layer, then they lay the hardwood down on top of that.

It actually lasted two seasons, which as noted is impressive given that it was only commissioned as “spackle” to fill a hole in the schedule during the writers guild strike of 1988.

I though the 80’s Mission Impossible was actually surprisingly good. It was a little hamstrung at first, because all they had to work with were the old M:I scripts with minor tweaks (due to the Writers Guild strike) but even with that, it still ended up being surprisingly good, and managed to be updated to the times

I’m not sure I’d consider it a classic, but I’d still nominate anything after season 1 of “Seaquest DSV.”

I actually enjoyed the first post-Knight Rider movie, “Knight Rider 2000.” It’s not the one being called out in this article, but was the one the article referenced as starring Mitch Pileggi. I don’t remember too much about it, but at least the new KITT (in a Pontiac Banshee-like chassis) was still voiced by William

I thought Prime was mostly reserved for items either sold by Amazon, or “fulfilled by” Amazon’s warehouses if sold by someone else. It sounds like this applies to items sold by and shipped by a third party, which would actually be an expansion of Prime, not a contraction.

Even the idea of a wormhole for magnetic fields would have been an exciting one, as it would seemingly make possible faster-than-light communications. Imagine being able to communicate with a probe around Mars (or further) as easily as with the ISS. Unfortunately, it seems the reality isn’t quite as exciting.

I disagree that it needs to be in a permanent home. That said, I am convinced that there should be a requirement that a significant percentage of the facilities used for the Olympics be preexisting, and any new permanent construction must have firm, guaranteed use for a 10-year period following the Olympics. This

Just give up. Gizmodo has demonstrated a pattern of, at best, misleading reporting when it comes to SpaceX (and in some cases blatantly incorrect). All of their articles are skewed in such a way as to paint SpaceX in the worst possible light. If you want accurate reporting, try Spaceflight Now or another similar site.

Same holds true in Wisconsin.

Interesting. In Wisconsin, the car owner always holds the title, no matter what. If there’s a lender, they will take out a lien against the car, and the title will clearly indicate a lien holder, but the car owner still holds the title. When you pay off the loan, the lender issues you a statement indicating that the

The glaringly fake foley work really detracted from the video.