KuriGohan and Kamehameha

I've got one of these... bought it with a gift card I got for ThinkGeek from one of my friends at my wedding. The D Pad isn't anywhere as nice as Nintendo D Pads. The stick is a little stiffer than the original. This one is tough to find things to use it for... my best experience with it has been... cough emulation

People tend to forget that this isn't an intentional leak. Often times developers will use placeholder textures so they can focus more on mechanics than visuals and framerate, as optimization is typically done during the tail-end of development cycles.

It's even worse when you live in a different country.

Not to be the world's biggest pessimist, but this looks to me to have visually ripped off Animal Crossing and Wind Waker... and badly.

Everyone's a furry for Krystal.

Of course it would be worst, they're students.

Right?! And we need a good release of Banner of the Stars II & III, too!

Yeah I'm eagerly awaiting their release of Crest/Banner too, as well as Outlaw Star. hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer.

Felicia still looks fine, and while I haven't been a huge fan of hers in the past, she's actually really funny and likable on Co-Optitude.

So great on so many levels

DAMMIT i was JUST going to post this.

I've only screen a couple videos of a Sonic UDKfangame engine, and even I spotted that texture from a mile away.

Those look awesome! The website says theyre rated to -100c!! Gimme.

My husband and daughter are the opposite. I swear their eyebrows are clear. If you get right up next to their faces, you can see the hair but from far away, nothing. My husband threatens that he'll start wearing contacts instead of glasses but, unless he's prepared to get his eyebrows professionally dyed, I will not

Watched it last week and said the exact same thing

I'm pretty sure that they are just Wacom Cintiqs

He really needs to change this to the official acronym.

If you would have looked a bit deeper into who took the picture, you would see it was snapped in Canada. One of his more recent twitter posts mentions "GRAVITY SOUND BAR" which is a bar in Ontario.

Added you. As late as this is, I dunno if you can add me. Spamming the same comment to everyone I added, as I learnt in the previous 'share our friend codes' thread that a reply only alerts the person being replied to.

While I'm on a pokemon article I'm going to try and hijack this comment section to get as many friend codes as possible for X and Y's friend safari. Ok? Ok.